Friday, January 30, 2015

Sequence for Friday 30 January 2015

Hi All, Devon is leading us today.  

Here’s a sequence where I’m calling to mind a few of Laurie’s teaching points.  This is not a copy of a class of hers, though if you were there last weekend, you will remember a lot of these poses…

Parvatasana in virasana
Adho mukha virasana
Adho mukha svanasana
            Variations to stretch wrists, and open the shoulders and chest
Adho mukha virasana
Lolasana by stages
P. navasana
A. navasana
[supta tadasana/supta urdhva hastasana]
Upavistha konasana
Parsva upavistha konasana
Parivrtta upavistha konasana
Padmasana preparation
Padmasana practice upright or supine

Adho mukha vrksasana
Pincha mayurasana

Bhujangasana to urdhva mukha svana
Arms of salabhasana
Salabhasana full pose
Arms of salabhasana, legs of dhanurasana, then catch ankles
Dhanurasana full pose
Parsva dhanurasana
Chatush padasana
Urdhva dhanurasana, feet on blocks at wall
Urdhva dhanurasana, forearms to wall on blocks
Urdhva dhanurasana, lifting straight up, no swaying
Urdhva dhanurasana, staying

Cooling down:
Rest on back,
Jathara parivartanasana, knees bent, use belt
Bharadvajasana I (and II as possible)

Variations, including niralamba forms and padmasana forms as possible


Friday, January 23, 2015

Change in Location for Two of Peggy's Classes

Beginning February 1st the 8am Saturday
class AND the 3:45pm Monday Class will be at
Peggy’s home studio.

First Monday class in the new location will be
Monday, February 2

First Saturday class in the new location will be
Saturday, February 7

Peggy’s home studio address:
1608 Dexter Street, Austin TX 78704

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Laurie Blakeney workshop is this weekend!

January 23-25, 2015

LAURIE   BLAKENEY: a Weekend Workshop
Living the Legacy of Iyengar Yoga

          at Clear Spring StudioMacintosh HD:Users:anne_marie_schultz:Desktop:director.jpg


 Friday 6:30 - 8:30pm           
 Saturday 9:30am - Noon      
 Saturday 2:30 - 5:00pm      
Sunday 9:30am - Noon      

Cost:  2-Hour Class: $45.00; 2.5-Hour Classes: $55.00;   Entire Workshop: $200.00  We are pleased to offer  an additional $10.00 discount on full workshop for IYNAUS members and  for members of  AYI Teacher Training.  Make checks payable to Clear Spring.  

Laurie Blakeney (pictured here with Shri B. K. S. Iyengar) has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983.  Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 4 national conventions among other committee service. 

She brings to her classes a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. She is also Anne’s mentor in the assessment process.  

About Clear Spring Studio: Go to the inside of the block and park.  We are behind the woven metal fence. Enter through the patio-foyer door.  Please consider carpooling to and from the sessions.  Parking really truly is limited to the interior of the block, and NO parking is allowed on adjacent streets.  Many hotels motels and eateries are near the studio, many in walking distance or a short drive.   If you are an out of town attendee. look at the “about”and “food and shelter” sections of Clear Spring’s website to find a page listing motels, hotels, some restaurants (always changing, can’t keep up), etc. Contact Devon for workshop information and enrollment.

www . Clear Spring Studio . com      605 A Copeland St., 78704        512-633-2354       devond108 at

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Here's the sequence for Friday


Remember  that  the Teacher's Practice is moving to  6:00 pm on Wednesdays after  Devon's  hard work Class.

Advanced Practice is still happening at  4:30-6:30.

Devon's leading this week. 

Sequence Friday 16 January 2015
(emphasizing forward bends and twists a little)

Adho mukha virasana – svanasana - uttanasana
All connected, lift L leg first, then R:
Tadasana  -  urdhva hasta  -  utthita hasta padangusthasana forward  -  virabhadrasana III  -  ardha chandrasana -  parsvottanasana – parivrtta trikonasana – parsvottana - urdhva prasarita ekapadasana  --  Tadasana   
Repeat or elaborate, adding standing poses where logical

Full uttanasana

Utt parsva hasta padangusthasana
Ardha baddha Padma upright, catching toe as possible, then full FB
Parivrtta parsvakonasana

Adho mukha vrksasana, variations
Pincha mayurasana , variations
Salamba sirsasana, variations
       Baddha kona, eka pada, parsva eka pada, parivrtta ekapada

Dwi pada viparita to open the ribs and shoulders
Bharadvajasana I and II
Ardha matsyendrasana I, pausing at all landmarks
Triang mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
Upavistha konasana center, and Parsva UK to R and L
Padmasana prep, heading toward
Marichyasana II as far as possible
Kurmasana using chair or floor

Marichyasana III, start shallow, repeat to go deeper.

Adho mukha vrksasana
Chatush padasana slowly
Sarvangasana , variations
Whatever time allows, but emphasize the “parsvas”, p.ekapada, p. hala, p. karna pidasana, p. padmasana, p. pindasana, and as possible, parsva sarvangasana.  Side stretches.

Supported savasana

Friday, January 9, 2015

Austin Yoga Tree Grand Opening Celebration and Free week of classes !

Here's all the new on Austin Yoga Tree from Jonathan.
Inline image 1


8:00 - 9:15  Hatha Yoga  (Michelle Norris)
10:00 - 11:15 
Alignment For Life
  (Mary Scott)
4:30 - 5:45
Iyengar Yoga  (Jonathan Troen)
6:00 - 7:15  Life Mastery Group Coaching  (Jonathan Troen)


8:00 - 9:15  Iyengar Yoga  (Jonathan Troen)
10:00 - 11:15 
Fundamentals of Yoga
  (Jonathan Troen)
11:20 - 12:00  Mindful Meditation  (Jonathan Troen)
3:00 - 4:15  Yogi Buddies (Grades K-2)  (Amy Gayle)
6:30 - 7:45  Vinyasa  (Jenny Loehr)

8:00 - 9:15  Hatha Yoga  (Michelle Norris)
10:00 - 11:15 
Alignment For Life
  (Mary Scott)
4:30 - 5:45
Iyengar Yoga  (Jonathan Troen)

6:00 - 7:15
  Iyengar Yoga  (Jonathan Troen)
7:30 - 8:45 
Candlelight Restorative  (Kristen Folkens)


8:00 - 9:15  Iyengar Yoga  (Jonathan Troen)
10:00 - 11:15 
Fundamentals of Yoga
  (Jonathan Troen)
11:20 - 12:00  Mindful Meditation  (Jonathan Troen)
3:00 - 4:15  Yogi Buddies (Grades 3-5)  (Amy Gayle)
6:30 - 7:45  Vinyasa  (Jenny Loehr)


8:00 - 9:15  Hatha Yoga  (Jonathan Troen)
10:00 - 11:15 
Alignment For Life  (Jonathan Troen)
11:30 - 12:45 
Life Mastery Group Coaching  (Jonathan Troen)


9:30 - 10:45  Step Into Power  (Anni Lindenberg)
11:00 - 12:15 
Restorative  (Jill White)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Laurie is here 2 weeks from tomorrow Sign up today!

January 23-25, 2015

LAURIE   BLAKENEY: a Weekend Workshop
Living the Legacy of Iyengar Yoga
          at Clear Spring StudioMacintosh HD:Users:anne_marie_schultz:Desktop:director.jpg


 Friday 6:30 - 8:30pm           
 Saturday 9:30am - Noon      
 Saturday 2:30 - 5:00pm      
Sunday 9:30am - Noon      

Cost:  2-Hour Class: $45.00; 2.5-Hour Classes: $55.00;   Entire Workshop: $200.00  We are pleased to offer  an additional $10.00 discount on full workshop for IYNAUS members and  for members of  AYI Teacher Training.  Make checks payable to Clear Spring.  

Laurie Blakeney (pictured here with Shri B. K. S. Iyengar) has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983.  Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 4 national conventions among other committee service. 

She brings to her classes a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. She is also Anne’s mentor in the assessment process.  

About Clear Spring Studio: Go to the inside of the block and park.  We are behind the woven metal fence. Enter through the patio-foyer door.  Please consider carpooling to and from the sessions.  Parking really truly is limited to the interior of the block, and NO parking is allowed on adjacent streets.  Many hotels motels and eateries are near the studio, many in walking distance or a short drive.   If you are an out of town attendee. look at the “about”and “food and shelter” sections of Clear Spring’s website to find a page listing motels, hotels, some restaurants (always changing, can’t keep up), etc. Contact Devon for workshop information and enrollment.

www . Clear Spring Studio . com      605 A Copeland St., 78704        512-633-2354       devond108 at

Sunday, January 4, 2015

15 Backbends for 2015

 Advanced Practice starts back Friday.   Anne will lead the  Annual New Year Backbend practice.  I think we started this way back in 2010.   So  this is the sixth annual!

Here’s  the  15  backbends for  2015  sequence.   It is more or less what I attempted to get through on Saturday  with  a  few more fun  additions.  (if you count the backbend actions in the standing poses and  supta virasana it is actually a few more than 15. 

Calf, ankle, and  foot  mashing
AMS  (with support)  blocks for  hands and for  elbows
Static Rope   straight arm and  elbows (1 and 2)
Rope 1  (3)
Arm circles with strap
Gomukasana  arms
Parsvotasana concave back hands on blocks and  on hips   Emphasize  backbend action in chest    
Vira I hands on hips and up right   
Parsvakonasana   rope for top and bottom arm
Parighasana rope  for  top  arm  bent leg and strap
Ustrasana  at rope wall,  working hamstring buttocks a lot.     (4)

Paryanksansana  (5)
Supta Virasana 
Matysasana   (6)
Salabasana  (7)
Makarasana  (8)
Dhanurasana  (9)
Parsva D  (10)
Bhekasana   (11)
Urdhva  D  from  Chair  (12)
From Two bolsters
Dwi pada  on  Chair various stages (13)
Dwi  Pada from floor  (14)
Kapotasana (15) 
A variety of  chair  twists
Chair Halasana
Sarvangasana  and  Cycle 
or Viparita  Karani  instead  

The Laurie Blakeney Workshop is only 19 days away

January 23-25, 2015

LAURIE   BLAKENEY: a Weekend Workshop
Living the Legacy of Iyengar Yoga
          at Clear Spring StudioMacintosh HD:Users:anne_marie_schultz:Desktop:director.jpg


 Friday 6:30 - 8:30pm           
 Saturday 9:30am - Noon      
 Saturday 2:30 - 5:00pm      
Sunday 9:30am - Noon      

Cost:  2-Hour Class: $45.00; 2.5-Hour Classes: $55.00;   Entire Workshop: $200.00  We are pleased to offer  an additional $10.00 discount on full workshop for IYNAUS members and  for members of  AYI Teacher Training.  Make checks payable to Clear Spring.  

Laurie Blakeney (pictured here with Shri B. K. S. Iyengar) has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983.  Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 4 national conventions among other committee service. 

She brings to her classes a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. She is also Anne’s mentor in the assessment process.  

About Clear Spring Studio: Go to the inside of the block and park.  We are behind the woven metal fence. Enter through the patio-foyer door.  Please consider carpooling to and from the sessions.  Parking really truly is limited to the interior of the block, and NO parking is allowed on adjacent streets.  Many hotels motels and eateries are near the studio, many in walking distance or a short drive.   If you are an out of town attendee. look at the “about”and “food and shelter” sections of Clear Spring’s website to find a page listing motels, hotels, some restaurants (always changing, can’t keep up), etc. Contact Devon for workshop information and enrollment.

www . Clear Spring Studio . com      605 A Copeland St., 78704        512-633-2354       devond108 at

Friday, January 2, 2015