Wednesday, June 30, 2010

There is practice Friday July 2

Hi All, we will be practicing friday at 4:30. Sequence forthcoming but it will include setubanda dropping over and coming up and some great chest opening work at the horse.

Come one, come all.


Here's the sequence we did.

Rope I (Geeta’s version from Convention, fold forward so torso is parallel with floor, work shoulder blades.)
Standing rope work static and standing helping each other with slanting plank behind chest
Rope I (Classic)
Gomukhasana arm work
Gomukhasana full pose
Prasarita Paddottanasa I and II
(and junior three variants)
Supta Pad I, II, III, IV
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
Jathara Parivartansana Ardha and Full
Chair Dwi Pada through seat of chair and also standing back over chair.
Tressler work Urdhva D over tressler various ways.
Urdhva D
Full Dwi Pada
Chathuspadasana variations bk and catching arms underneath torso. and Parsva prep work – keep arms in Chatush and move torso to side of arms. Lower buttocks to floor, then extend legs out, then bend knees slightly like purvotanasana and push up.
Dropping over and coming back up
Parsva Sarvangasana

Monday, June 21, 2010

Laurie Blakeney Workshop THIS WEEKEND

Laurie Blakeney
is Returning to Austin to Teach
An Iyengar Yoga Weekend Workshop June 25-27, 2010
We Learn How to Go From Easy Poses to Intermediate Ones
With Contentment, Friendliness, Compassion, Joy,
and a large dose of Common Sense.

Laurie has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983. She has a BA in comparative religions, and a not so long ago career as a piano tuner/technician. Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 3 national conventions among other committee service. She brings to her class a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. Clear Spring and Austin Yoga welcome Laurie back again for a long-overdue return visit.
Note to all: Most of this workshop is for any student with more than 6 months’ experience of Iyengar Yoga, and who has headstand, shoulderstand and the capacity to do backbends. Ask if you are in doubt.
Friday evening: 6-8pm (all levels)
Saturday morning: 9-12noon (all levels)
Saturday afternoon: 2:30pm-5:30pm (hard work; ask us if you’re wondering if this is for you)
Sunday morning: 9am-noon (all levels)
Fri. pm: $40; All other classes: $50 each. Entire workshop: $180.
Clear Spring Studio, 605 A Copeland St., Austin, TX 78704. Ph. 512-448-0086.
Off South First St., south of Barton Springs Rd. Opposite the TX School for the Deaf
Information and enrollment:
Contact Devon Dederich at 512-448-0086 or email

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Practice this friday Clear Spring 4:30

Hi All,

Here's what's on the docket Friday. Devon's out of town but I'll be there practicing so come on and join in on the fun.

Adho Mukha virasana
Adho Mukha svanasana
Adho mukha vrksasana (Palms turned outward, against wall) (I)
Adho mukha vrksasana (Palms turned forward, against wall) (II)
Adho mukha vrksasana (Palms turned back as Mayurasana, but 1.5 ft. away from wall) (III)
Pincha mayurasana (against wall)(I)
Pincha mayurasana (palms turned up) (III)
Salamba sirsasana I (I)
Virasana legs and turning in virasana
Parsva sirsasana (II)
Parivrttaikapada sirsasana (III)
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (supported on chair; feet on floor, with bent elbows
holding the front legs of the chair; legs bent or straight) (II)
Chest opening holding back of chair.
Dwi pada on chair holding brick between hands moving underneath chair.
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana I
Dwi Pada full pose,
Eka Pada Urdva D’s and Dwi Padas.
Dropping over from Sirsasana
Can do this sarvangasana work or just ardha halasana or supported sarvangasana if tired. Or

Salamba Sarvangasana I (I)
Salamba Sarvangasana II (I)
Eka Pada Sarvangasana (top leg perpendicular to floor and Hala leg straight; left and
right sides of spine parallel) (I)
Halasana (arm position as in LoY pl. 241) (I)
Urdhva padmasana in sarvangasana (insofar as possible) (III)
Setu bandha Sarvangasana (classic asana, dropping from Sarvangasana) (I)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (coming up to Sarvangasana) (III)

Bharadvajasana, mild twisting-resting type pose


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Practice Friday 4:30 at Clear Spring

Hi Everyone, Here's a sequence we'll be working from this Friday the next couple Fridays. Anne and Devon will both teach a few poses. Devon's assessment is in August. Anne will go up for Junior I next year. The numerals refer to which level syllabus the pose is on. We'll also explore some of the work Geeta taught at the convention

This is a sequence based on the Jr. I-II–III sequence Devon created for us a while back. I made a few changes to accommodate the convention review work.

Utthita parsva hasta padangusthasana with and without support (I)

Utthita hasta padangusthasana I (holding toe or belt)

Utthita trikonasana

Utthita parsvakonasana

Virabhadrasana III (I)

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana (I)

Utthita hasta padangusthasana classic pose, head to shin (II)

Parasarita padottanasana II (I)

Gomukhasana classic (I)

Malasana I : head to floor, hands on heels (II)

(Malasana I, arms around legs and back (III))

Upavistha konasana (II)

Parsva upavistha konasana (III)

Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana holding front foot (I)

Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana, clasping from behind belt or fingers(II, III)

Parvatasana in Padmasana (II)

Marichyasana I, classic pose

Marichyasana II (III)

Ardha matsyendrasana I (arm straight, holding foot in matsyendra shape, other arm

on the back (I)

Marichyasana III classic (II)

Janu Sirsasana

Parivrtta janu sirsasana (III)

Jathara parivartanasana (legs bent) (I)

Jathara parivartanasana, legs straight, as far down as possible) (III)

Eka hasta bhujasana (I)

Bhujapidasana (III)

Adho mukha vrksasana (Palms turned outward, against wall) (I)

Adho mukha vrksasana (Palms turned forward, against wall) (II)

Adho mukha vrksasana (Palms turned back as Mayurasana, but 1.5 ft. away from wall) (III)

Pincha mayurasana (against wall)(I)

Pincha mayurasana (palms turned up) (III)

Salamba sirsasana I (I)

Parsva sirsasana (II)

Parivrttaikapada sirsasana (III)

Urdhva Dhanurasana (supported on chair, hands and feet on floor or blocks, if

needed. Candidates at this level should be able to push up into the full asana.)(I)

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (supported on chair; feet on floor, with bent elbows

holding the front legs of the chair; legs bent or straight) (II)

Urdhva Dhanurasana I (straight from ground) (III)

Salamba Sarvangasana I (I)

Salamba Sarvangasana II (I)

Eka Pada Sarvangasana (top leg perpendicular to floor and Hala leg straight; left and

right sides of spine parallel) (I)

Halasana (arm position as in LoY pl. 241) (I)

Urdhva padmasana in sarvangasana (insofar as possible) (III)

Setu bandha Sarvangasana (classic asana, dropping from Sarvangasana) (I)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (coming up to Sarvangasana) (III)

Bharadvajasana, mild twisting-resting type pose

