Devon shares this Sequence from Stephanie Quirk Training in San Francisco, May 2009.
This sequence was given to us with the idea that we would take each group of poses and observe our sensations and responses to the work with respect to the abdominal organs. This instruction was very general, deliberately so. We were to just observe whatever we ourselves observed about the abdomen and its contents, and then at the end of the group of poses, sit down and write our thoughts down. Then she would give us the next group of poses, we would do them and then sit to take notes; and on to the next, same procedure, until the sequence was completed. No timings were given, but the group tended to keep to somewhat normal timings: a minute or two per side or per pose, with more for the inversions or more repetitions when the pose was difficult. Five to ten minutes in the interval for notes.
For the practice, this Friday, we'll do as much of the sequence as we have time for. We won't be doing the note taking. Practice will end at 5:15 to accommodate the writing workshop.
Group 1
Urdhva hastasana
Uttanasana complete
Concave spine uttanasana
Prasarita padottanasana complete
Concave spine prasarita padottanasana
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Group 2
Utthita trikonasana
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Ardha chandrasana
Virabhadrasana I
Virabhadrasana III
Parivrtta trikonasana
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Group 3
Virasana sitting
Parvatasana in virasana
Baddha konasana upright
Revolving baddha konasana
Upavistha konasana upright
Parivrtta upavistha konasana
Parvatasana classical (in padmasana)
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Group 4
Parsva sirsasana
Parivrttaikapada sirsasana
Urdhva padmasana in sirsasana
Pindasana in sirsasana
Upavistha konasana in sirsasana
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Group 5
Ropes I
Urdhva mukha svanasana
Urdhva dhanurasana
Dwi pada viparita dandasana
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Group 6
Adho mukha svanasana
Adho mukha virasana
Parsva adho mukha virasana
Janu sirsasana
Marichyasana I, upright
Bharadvajasana I
Marichyasana III
Ardha matsyendrasana
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Group 7
Salamba sarvangasana
Parsva halasana
Urdhva padmasana in sarvangasana
Pindasana in sarvangasana
Karna pidasana
Parsva karna pidasana
Parsva sarvangasana
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Group 8
Setu bandha sarvangasana
Viparita karani on setu bandha bench sideways
Supta baddha konasana
Savasana, lengthwise bolster
Using bolster savasana: Ujjayi I, II, III, IV
Chair Pranayama: Ujjayi I, II, III, IV
Antara kumbhaka 3 times
Savasana flat, with gentle Viloma II
End of Semester Life Report
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” -Nelson Mandela
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't c...
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