Hi Everyone,
This summer, I'm going to work mostly with the sequences from the Patricia Walden Workshop I attended in April. This is the first sequence from the six day workshop and works with Standing Poses. Forward Bends, and Arm Balances.
I'll also be working with aspects of the Friday sequence in my ongoing Saturday class at AYS.
Here's the full sequence, We'll do as much of it as we can on Friday.
AMS with hands and feet wide at edges of mat
Utt, wide legs, concave then down
Paryankasana with block extend arms then fold
AMS normal width.
(move to wall)
Prasarita paddottansana concave then down.
Utt Trikonasana regular pulls back leg up and back with strap, front let with foot up wall, and foot up wall on block.
Vira II briefly
To Uparvakonsana, same order of work as trikonsana
Utt angular poses still can put front foot on block
Up angular
Classic uttansana
Parighasana foot up wall.
Janusirsasana move extended leg to side.
Parighasana side of body at wall
Parivritt Janusirsasana
Parivritt js (use these two poses to teach each other)
Paschimottasana head on block.
Anantasana, hold toe, then ankle then vrksasana, really working buttock action.
Sputa I and III briefly
Acarnadhanursana, briefly, then switch hand holds on foot, heel, arch ball of foot, toe to see effect in hip.
Acarnadhanursana II let bottom leg bend then straighten it.
Anantasana again, to sputa II bring leg all the way to floor then lower bottom pelvis back down.
Vishwamitrasana prep foot on wall bottom leg in parighasana
Full Vishwamitrasana twice second time, move hand in closer to leg to get more lift in back leg.
Sputa Bk with blanket roll under feet and thighs bring sacrum up into the body.
Sirsasana Bk, parsvasirsana, turning from the lower back
Setu b block under sacrum,
Supt Sukasana legs on sarvangasana set up
If tired just use time to restore physical sheath, if alert still direct inhalation into nostrils and then three normal breaths followed by an Ujj IV. Four cycles.
Rest in this position in savasana.
End of Semester Life Report
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
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“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't c...
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