Hi Everyone, Clear Spring is not available the next couple weeks, but Peggy Kelley has graciously allowed us to use her small home studio. So come to 1608 Dexter (right behind the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar. The studio is upstairs. The
stairway is on the left of the house as you face it, red and white, second on the right after crossing Kinney Avenue or turning right off kinney onto Dexter).
Cost is 10 dollars a person.
This week we will do the Joan White Backbending sequence from the workshop last Saturday with a few inversions added in (in parentheses).
Here it is.
Joan White sequence from Sat. Feb. 20, 2010
Backbending and standing poses
Urdhva hastasana with block between calves to balance action of front and back leg.
Urdhva baddhanguliyasana
Prasarita padottanasana
Trikonasana at wall, angular pose
Parsvakonasana, front foot to wall, block under hand
Parivrtta parsvakonasana (was this here and below too?)
Virabhadrasana I, first at wall with foot on block
Second with partner touching back to give direction
Vira I complete
Parivrtta trikonasana
Parivrtta parsvakonasana, from knee on floor first, back heel to wall.
Tadasana extending chest up to ceiling keeping lumbars flat.
Helpers helping to turn arms as we lift chest
4 or more standing upright back arches to wall. Arms in urdhva hastasana, arching over
Ustrasana at wall, 4-5x gradually going to full pose
Chair backbend, rolled mat on top of chair facing away from wall, head toward wall. Sit on chair, then Roll over the chair top.
Second chair backbend: same chair position but you are feet to wall, scapulae on chair, then roll over to u. dhanurasana, taking hands onto front chair legs. Then walk feet in and stand up.
Urdhva dhanurasana from floor, first time just going up
Repeat 5 times or so, each time taking weight onto feet, going up, straightening arms, then taking pose back onto arms. Walking in as possible.
Bent knee jathara parivartanasana
Pavanmukhtasana two legs at once
Roll over to AMS
Uttanasana, parsva uttanasana
(Chair Sarvangasana/Halasana)
Crossed legs, forehead on chair, skin to eyebrows.
Savasana calves on chair seat.
End of Semester Life Report
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” -Nelson Mandela
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't c...
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