Hi All,
Here's the plan for Friday. I'm also using this sequence tonight at group practice at castle hill. Again this is our last practice until July 8. Hope to see you there.
Day Three Twists
Pre Supta Baddha konasana
AMvirasana with legs in regular virasana position
Urdhva Prasarita padasana thirty times.
Jathara Parivar anasana shifting the hips, did three or four sets worked on legs doing at angle toward hands, then keeping in line with hips, then all the way up to hands. Last set not shifting the hips worked with motion did fast several times.
Utt worked on engaging obliques in concave position and while we were pulling head toward shins but then release that work as we extended the head down.
Parsva utthita hasta padasana work on turning the abdomen away from turned leg and extending opposite arm just like in Jathara
Trikonasana Did twice
Parrivritta go into pose quickly from parsva.
Partner work strap on pelvis lift pelvis up and back a little to get out of the sinking feeling in the hips.
M3 foot at wall, no clasp work in whatever way you need to to get in. Lifted bent leg foot up to help bring it in closer. Then extended back arm away just like Jathara walk up the spine like we do in backbends and pranayama to create space.
M3 back arm to the wall. Hand a little above the shoulders. Start with palm up and then turn arm externally and turn fingers. Press elbow against knee to help with the turning.
Ardha Matsyendrasan prep (start sitting on foot then move foot out to gomukasana legs. Settles the outer hip.
Ardha Matsyendrasana back arm to wall, working the same way.
Pasasana (do first stage of malasana to prep) work to keep knees even and really descend the groin of the leg you are turning away from. Back hand to the wall.
Then moved back to middle of the room.
M3 working on clasp. First time clasp with the arm around the knee, second time clasp but do the behind the back arm first, then the front arm.
AMatsyendrasana clasping. Twice same thing, work arm around knee first time then work back arm around first and then front arm.
Ardha Padma padmottasana.
Ardha matsyendrasana II.
Prep for Marichyasana IV. One leg in padmasana the other in marichyasana but don’t cross the foot over the knee.
Bharadvajasana II if possible, If not BI. Feel twist in lower spine and move all the way up through the nadis try to feel the Chandra side of the nose, make eyes soft notice which eye is looking harder and then look with the other one.
Matsyasana flat on back legs supported if they don’t go down with flat spine.
Urdhva Padmasana in sarvangasana if possible. If not, Upa vishta (legs straight up) and BK.
End of Semester Life Report
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