We are on this afternoon.
Here's a backbend sequence from Patricia's Intermediate workshop at the Abbey Feb 2011.
Day Four More Backbends with PW
Utt concave back.
Jumping from Utt to AMS several times.
Parvatasana in Virasana
Pariankasana with block and blanket on bolster spine wise and belt legs and arms behind occiput, low height and then again with medium height.
AMS to Utt
Used same belt for AMS. Amazing opening.
Eka papd supt virasana, first with leg in Marichyasana I then again into Pavanmuktasana and Supta I third time.
AMS step to
Parsvottansana long stance arms extended head down.
AMS then second side.
Tadasana and bring hands to back of thighs and go to utt.
AMVrk for sirsana prep
Parsvaikapada spilt legs and then full pose.
Urdhva D over back of chair facing away from the wall using height as necessary did several times.
Standing back arches in center away from the wall, just one or two.
Stood in front of chair and arched back to wall and walked down as able then come up. Showed belting pelvis and moved pelvis away from the belt to get more opening on a stiff T spine person. Also for some it will be better to bend the knees and take the groin more back to get the T spine opening.
Pushing up to Urdhva D from sitting in front of chair, hands in various positions. Corner, sides , front of chair.
Use the arms to lift the chest up. Thighs come forward but lift with the inner groin. .
Urdhva D from Floor many
First to foot side.
Ams to teach weight in legs.
Then UD to foot side again.
Dwi pada prep arms in sirsasana iI
Dwidpada with sirsasana I arms.
Block behind head.
Kapotasana drop backs to bolster on chair, then chair, then walking down to wall with full pose.
Dropback prep to floor Geeta and BKS teach differently.
Prasarita padottansana head down.
Supta Padangustasana II with support under hip of leg going out, diagonal blanket on buttucks.
AMVira experiment with legs together and apart to see which gives best relief.
Prone savasana with blanket under navel band
Savasana legs up on chair if necessary.
End of Semester Life Report
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” -Nelson Mandela
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't c...
1 year ago
where the sequence leaves off at
Urdhva D from Floor many, I wanted to add my notes from the day because there was a great 30 minutes of Urdva Danurasana. I learned more during that hour than any other single day working with asana.
Urdva Danurasana
a couple to judge our baseline.
from feet/legs
move knees toward front of room while coming up, then raise pelvis, shins
are less forward after this.
Repeat, being sure to not use arms.
from arms
focusing on hands and arms.
Push up legs, hips, then come up with arms, lift buttocks, feet, replace feet, keeping buttocks lifted, walk in with hands, extending with arms.
from spine
easier to raise spine while holding ankles.
Start by raising sacrum, lower spine, thoracic, grab mat to lift upper back, tuck
shoulders. Come up with spine.
Coming up from different areas has different effects for different people.
From abdomen, supported by spine. Posterior surface of organs resting on anterior spine. I liked this one.
from heart chakra, bring mind there, keep mind there, lift from there and let it hold you.
Ego should become more porous.
By breath for the mind.
Soft inhalation, soft exhalation, repeat, come up. Riding, sustaining on soft breath.
These were done to show the differences, their effects, when the pose originates from different places.
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