Thursday, January 3, 2013

Advanced Practice sequence for Friday 13 backbends for 2013

This one is based on a class Peggy taught a few weeks back.  There are some additions that are my own and some deletions.

the numbers refer to different numbers of backbends.  Obviously we'll  do more than 13 total backbends.

This  is the 4th  year we've started off advanced practice with the number of backbends increasing each year.

Thirteen backbends for  2013

Rope work rope 1 and static rope chest opening     1
Foot work  calf mashing sequence
Paryankasana)       2  
Sirsasana,  eka pada   i/2 way to  floor  then as far as you can
parsva eka pada  1/2 way then as far as  possible second time around.
Parsva sirsasana
Parivirtta  sirsasana

PM taking buttocks and legs to the wall to open chest more 

belly down backbends,  (Bhujangasana)   3

 salabasana with hands interlaced behind back,  4  makarsana,  5 bent leg shalabasana  6 dhanurasana then dhanurasana with pelvis lifted and legs on floor.  7

(Parsva Danurasana)  8
(Bhekasana)  9

various lunges in the middle of the room,   first just upright raise arms, keep hips level, then  grab back foot with opposite hand and lunge forward,
then lunging forward keeping hips level  10
gomukasana prep with strap and use strap to bring top hand down further and pull back with bottom hand. 


chair dwi pada would not hurt anything here working toward sirasasana version    11
chair  UD from Jarvis.    12

and a few  Uds

EPRK  2  with back shin on wall,  first lunging forward then arching back working to get foot  or at least hands to the wall,  worked with classic arm entry,  ie opposite hand reaching back two or three times.  13

I though we could look at  the other EPRKs as well as time allows  12,   13

halasana legs on chair
(Sarvagasana cycle  as time allows)


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