Friday, July 19, 2013

There is practice today 4-6:30

Practice  today is based on some nifty  things I learned in Ann Arbor and  a Friday morning padmasana  class.  Bolded stuff  I added  to the basic sequence   to make it  fit our  longer time frame. 

Calf mashes with sticky mat roll


Supta virasana

Supta   BK with brick and two belts


Bk up on three trifolded blankets, roll sticky in front of mat to put heels on,  lift up move pelvis  back, then forward sit down, as sitting down imagine that thighs come down first,  then hold ankles and lift up,  did with block on all three widths, (FYI, the roll seemed take care of the sacrum pain on the right I sometimes get ). 

Then sit in Sukasana, notice softness of groin,

Sukasana  folding forward seuqene. 

Padmasana prep,  ardha get foot with opposite hand then elbow with opposite hand, fold to the right, then center then left working to descend groin, draw abdomen in, keep shoulders level, lead with the heart… then come up,  Parvatasana, the release carefully  did   the bk  on blankets with brick set up  between sides..

Repeated second side.    (This is a way of working toward the full bound padmasana, which “must be accomplished”  the ability of the hips to do this work is the gateway to the advanced poses.  Lovely.

Sit in Dandasana

Ardha Baddha padma pashichmottansana  same getting foot  grab outside of foot with the opposite hand, pull with arm  up and back with shoulder to come further forward,  work with abds and descending groin.  (at this point, things began to open up a bit).

Same  BK  between  sides. 

Supta pad  three  prep with motion,  then in pose, extend leg,  go out to supta II, back to supta III, up to Supta I  down.

Pretty long holds both sides,

Ardha Baddha padmottanasana,  holding foot with same hand, reach down for block if  necessary,  draw abds in. 





Sirsasana  at wall  working to bring legs into padmasana,  first one leg in padmasana, then other leg back behind it,  if having difficulty,  move a little more away from the wall so there is room to lean back, 

Then worked to bring second leg in front. 


Sarvangasana,  from Halasana  bring legs into padmasana straighten up as much as possible,  take top leg out,  bring legs down into Halasana in ardha padmasana, use padmasana leg to lift both legs back up.

I want to work on helping people drop over  here. 

Switch sides.

Matsyensana flat on floor, legs up on blanket support


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