Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August Immersion Reading and Friday Sequence

 Here's the schedule of  Events.

3:30 Teachers Class  Devon
4:30  Advanced Practice - Anne
7:30  Philosophy Soup Kitchen- Anne  at  Devon's house.  Please let Devon know you are coming. 

9:30-12:00   Asana with  Devon

Here's the reading for  Soup Kitchen.  

Here's the Friday Sequence for the Advanced Practice of Immersion Weekend. It is based on one  that Rajlaxmi taught Friday June 13. I added the inversions in. 

Walk back  to  Uttanasana
Concave  Utt  feet wide then  full pose  hands on ankles
Padangusthasana  concave and full pose
Padahastasana Concave and full pose
Utt  feet  together,  Concave and full pose
Bend knees
Come up to Utkatasana
Bend more, hold heels    utt  keep contact  with thighs and abdomen,  Uttanasana
Tadasana  walk forward to Parsvottasana concave
Then  extend torso to the right little toe side of  front  leg,  then  down.
(I think this happened twice
Uttansana  between  sides
Prasarita  padd.  Huge amount of time in upright   position,  concave,  then down
Walk legs in to Utt
Sirsasana and  Prep
Bk/ UVK (One leg in each)   then BK leg to M1  toes straight ahead, then turned, then back to BK   same  leg    then  switch legs.
JS  turn   and fold over bent leg
Sneak to  Parivritta  JS
(Did twice. )
Virasana, Parvatasana,  Supat virasana
Ardha baddha padma  paschimo bend over bent leg,  then bend extended leg in to  come to Padmasana, Parvatasana,  Matsyasana.
Switch legs 
Ardha Badhha padma paschimo  making  clasp.     Turn toward padmasana leg. 
Paschimottasana,  Concave,  down,  concave.
Sarvangasana  cycle.

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