Monday, October 30, 2017

Three Workshops this Spring: Laurie, Manouso, and Randy

I saw my mentor, Laurie Blakeney, this weekend.  She will be coming to Austin  the third weekend it January. She is an awesome teacher, friendly and accessible. She’s also chair of the certification  committee for IYNAUS so she knows a lot about the assessment process and she’ll just be back from a month of study in Pune when she comes to Austin. January 19-21, 2018
  You can sign up online  at 

The following month, Manouso Manos, will be coming to town. Manouso is a legendary Iyengar Yoga teacher. He’s really the person who got me on the path of Iyengar Yoga  about 21 years ago.   He has not come to Austin in Many years and  Austin Yoga Tree, Clear Spring , and Austin Iyengar Yoga    are collaborating and co-sponsoring this event.   You can sign up on line. 

Finally, one other spring workshop.  My great friend and teacher Randy Just will be coming back to Austin the First weekend in April. This will be at  Castle Hill fitness again. There is not online sign up  yet,  but  please save the date  for Friday April 6 and Saturday April 7.  Randy is a super fun, dynamic teacher. This is his second visit to Austin in what I hope will become one of the amazing annual Iyengar workshops we host in Austin each year.

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