AMS normal
Jump to Uttansana
Supta tadasana vertical brick bent shoulder blades, same work with arms as previous repeat with elbows on floor to get more lift then do with out block and raise legs and arms for uttana padasana.
UH uttansana step back to AMS
Do AMS with block and then without and compare the difference
Tadasana urdhva baddangulisana
Uttansana, (repeat T UB Utt)
Then jump back and forth from utt to AMS keeping arms strong and pelvis high
Gomukasana work, top arm, use other arm to help, bottom arm, ditto use other arm to help, clasp, lift up, pull down try to move wrists away from back.
UH to UN
Paschima namascarasana, with motion, watch evenness of sides
Parsvottansana, upright then down, to prasarita padottasana II, then other side, come up and do full second side.
Sirsasana, virasana, Parsva virasana, Parsva virasana to Parsva Sirsasana, Parsva Sirsasana, Parsva Sirsasana to parivritta, then parivritta alone and back to Sirsasana.
Sirsasana II, then virasana variation
Supta virasana horizontal brick shoulder blades, then low brick then medium brick under tailbone.
AMVrk change legs Ardha Amvrk, Eka pada, then balance, the Amvrk on two bricks
PM Sirsasana hands and regular balance in middle of room if you can.
Dwi pada vertical mat roll on blanket chatush stage, (bent legs) then straighten, do the various arm positions,
Dwi pada taking head to floor Sirsasana hands (can keep vertical blanket roll, it is quite lovely) bent legs and straight.
Dwi pada holding chair legs (same as above)
Chatush padasana, grab ankles, walk shoulders in, work with motion, and lift toes move shins toward chest
Then UD prep to top of head, same motion work with leg, direct motion to where you are stiff,
Then come to top of head and bring hands back to ankles. Same motion work. Did each of the chatush two or three times.
Dhanurasana but keep knees down to open chest more going toward bujangasana II
Head on trifold, UD prep arms, push up, lift head pump forward, bring head down pump, push back up to UD
Dwi pada several times working with pumping motion and repeating the various stages all the way from chatush as necessary
Then Dwi pada staying and holding
Chair lajuvajrasana, hold front of the thighs drop head back to chair seat.
Sirsasana dropping to chair, can drop with bent legs to chair seat or more advanced bring both legs to wall and work with straight legs
Sirsasana drop overs in middle of room
Full Dwi pada using belt around toes.
Kapotasana, dropping over walk in to get feet brick between feet can do walking down wall with bolster behind thighs to keep verticality in legs
Prone savasana blanket under navel band
Ardha Halasana
Karnapidasana feet on top of chair
Savasana legs on chair
End of Semester Life Report
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” -Nelson Mandela
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't c...
1 year ago
Great chart ...I hope when we will fellow that, then after get a better result..Eka Pada Kapotasana
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