Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friday Practices this month

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to those who showed up last Friday. Devon was sick and couldn't get a key to Gillian in time, so I apologize for that snafu.

This Friday there is no class due to the Desiree Rumbaugh workshop.

Next friday there is no class due to the Laura Allard Workshop.

The last Friday of September Gillian will lead practice with a Cathy Rodgers Evens sequence.

In the meantime, benefit from the workshops and also these immunity sequences from PUNE.

Recently the Institute in Pune was shut down for 9 days due to a swine flu scare in Pune – BKS Iyengar gave the following sequence for students to follow to help boost the immune system

Immune Boost Morning Practice:

Uttanasana 5 minutes
Adho Mukha Svanasana 5 minutes
Prasarita Padottanasana 1 5 minutes
straight pose 5 minutes
cycle 10 minutes
Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana/supported 5 minutes
Sarvangasana 10 minutes
Halasana 5 minutes
Sarvangasana cycle 5 minutes
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana/supported 5 minutes
Viparita Karani 5 minutes
Savasana with Ujjayi or Viloma 10 minutes

Immune Boost Evening Practice:

Sirsasana 10 minutes
Sarvangasana 10 minutes
Halasana 5 minutes
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana/supported 10 minutes
Savasana wit Ujjayi or Viloma 10 minutes

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