Here's what's on the docket for friday. Based on Day Two with PW at blue lake ranch
Sukasana invocation, empty the brain and feel fullness in the heart.
AMVira just resting,
AMVira active,
AMS very long hold,
Concave uttanasana,
AMS lift heels up to get height. Working with lifting the toes up and lifting the heels up and bending the knees to take torso back, lift head to move bottom of sternum forward.
Samasthiti, working with four lines of the feet, between big toe and second toe to the heel and between fourth and fifth two to heel then across the top of the arch and the top of the heel (bottom of arch) this awareness helps bring evenness to feet and awareness to levelness of perineum.
Keep that in UH.
Take the foot action into AMS.
Parsvotasana hands on hips and then stop half way then concave really work on bringing back hip around and stay half way to make sure pelvis is level. Then extend all the way down and sleep on the thigh.
Samasthiti again. Here we looked at the relationship between thighs back and thighs forward and the levelness of the perineum, instruct from the perieneum and brings awareness inward. Ie take back of perineum down.
toe scrunching, vajrasana but actually come as much on the tip toes of toes. Much more brutal this way.
Keep heels together, vajarsana, use strap if ankles are not together.
Then see what that foot work gives virasana.
Then parsvotasana full pose. But did paschima baddhangulisasana first to set the shoulder blades correctly. Be sure not to turn the legs at the same time because it shortens the stance, fully turn front leg, then turn the back leg and the eye on that side as well. ROAR reflection, observation, (or perceptive if you can’t actually see) absorption, repose
Sirsasana sirsasana prep. Do what you need to do to take thorasic in. With head lifed to work on opening the shoulders. Same four lines of foot work, stacking of the rib cage. Level perieneum here as well. Posterior ab toward interior spine.
Samkatasana, come up onto toes in UH and then down to samktasana.. then folded forward. Basically foot action of AMS to UMS. Did two or three times.
Uttansana coming to the very tips of the toes.
UMS Several times toes turned under working on keeping feet even and turning the back of the thighs out. and coming over toes. Levelize ankles. The legs should be super strong, then come forward onto tops of the feet and open the chest more and take head back.
Chair Dwi Pada working to get more verticality than coiling, press hands against back of chair. Press to lengthen. Put height on chair as needed to get enough height.
Chair dwi pada working on coiling, hands on back of chair, then underneath on sides, then palms up grabbing back of chair, pull to coil.. then fold elbows about head and work with motion to create more opening.
Chair dwi pada bringing hands first to the floor in Urdhva dhanurasana position, then headstand position.
Urdhva dhanurasana pushing up from chair, you come up more through the arms here, she showed that beginners usually push away from the wall.
Chair dwi pada reaching legs of the chair, showed both doing it with strap on front legs and with strap on back legs. We were supposed to try both but only did first one.
Urdhva dhanursana pushing up from chair (with hands on back of chair or seat of chair. A few times.
Urdhva dhanurasana pushing up from floor a few times..
Prasarita padottanasana, turn thighs out, head supported,
AMS head supported.
Savasana with knees bent observe state of self, heart should feel light and open. mini sam muki mudhra (did this first day too.)
Savasana legs on chair if you benefit from that otherwise flat.
End of Semester Life Report
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