Hi All, I thought we'd work through some of the sequences from my last study time with Patricia Walden this summer. Here's a nice one from day one. It is supposed to help adjust to altitude, I figure it will help adjust to heat also. It is a very lovely sequence.
See you there.
Sukasana lift from center of armpits
AMVira working on creating length
AMS legs and feet wide
AMS normal width, move feet in until heels almost touch then press metatarsals down to move heels back and down.
Concave Uttansana then head down lengthen spine.
AMS heels in support head notice effect of head support.
AMS without head support and then with again.
Paryankasana vertical bolster one or two trifolded blankets depending on height and openness, vertical flat block. Belt thighs
Then removed block and did supta virasana switched cross of arms.
Chair dwi pada sitting on vertical bolster and trifold blanket point is to make the chair be like a backward bender. Stretch arms back, hands should not touch the floor. Belt thighs stretch heels very actively toward the floor.
Chair Bharadvajasana, reach arm around to back of the chair first and then second time reach arm all the way around to grab the side of the chair.
Prasarita padottansana twice,
Classic uttanasana
AMS classic.
Sirsasana make sure skin of small finger is moving forward, be on the the center of the wrists lengthen little finger side. Extend thumbs toward each other, make sure that hands are open enough to accommodate head, lift inner arms and legs to come up, take middle buttock in and to the inner heel, keeping that firm rotate thighs in and bring big toes together. make the rib cage be as vertical/ square box as possible.
Supta Padangustasana I top leg vertical though do bent leg position first and level hips and roll bottom leg in.
Long Janusirsasana series. Around the world JS.
First time just bring bent leg into 90 degrees don’t move hip back at all, first extend up, lift arms keep that height as you extend down over bent leg knee, can let Dandasana leg roll along with you. Work to get evenness in torso and length
Then extend forward between two legs this one is the real teacher for JS in terms of the ability to get evenness and length in both sides of the torso. Then extend torso in the inside of leg then over the leg.
Second round, bent leg in traditional JS position if you can keep the knee down in first position take it back, but not as far back as Parivritta. Same turn to bent leg, then between then inside, but this time rotate over extended leg as much as possible, then full pose.
Then full janu sirsasana same bent leg and see what M3 gave JS.
We did M3, JS, M3 JS..
Then do best JS and stay
Triangha muka paschimottansana
Supta Padangustasana I bringing leg in this time.
Dandasana, Parsva Dandasana
Parsva Paschimottansana
Paschimottasana legs a little bit apart.
Bharadvajasana I
Paschimottansana feet together.
Hanging uttanasana with eyes closed
*Sarvangasana and cycle
End of Semester Life Report
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