Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yippe Practice this friday and next.

Hi All,   Here's what's on the docket for  Practice this Friday.  It is a version of a sequence Patricia taught at the  Abbey in Feb.     I'll be leading this week and  Devon will be leading with another PW sequence from her time in Santa Fe this past nov.   See you there, as always,  $10,  4:30-6:30  Best yoga deal in town.

AMS long
AMVrk I leg then other then both, working some with balance
Chaturanga feet at  wall.
UB to open arms more

Garudasana working with external rotation of  thighs to compact outer hips,
Garudasana with hands in paschima  N
Did garudasana between various standing poses.
Parsvotta full pose twice
Vira I   really worked on this an infinite period of time
Vira III
Vira III coming straight in without going into  Vira I
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana quite a few   toes turned under first, arms out, blocks, tops of feet,  looked at what all of these  give us,  then  move feet a lot further forward.
Shalabasana  arms only
Bhujangasana  working a lot in bent arm position  getting kidney band to go in
Shalabasana  arms and legs
Bhujangasana  belting legs
Urdva Muka   again
Dhanurasana  a  couple times really working with bringing the legs up and back
Eka pada bhekasana for  the groin of  Dhanurasana
I think we did only last bhujangasana here. 
AMS with head support to open arms more for  Sirsasana
Ustrasana working with Shoulderstand foam to lift up and over
Chatush to prepare for  Urdhva  D
Urdhva D  working in stages from  chatush to crown of  head to pushing up to going all in one  motion working to get movement in three regions of  spine
Standing backarch
Prasarita paddottanasana I
B1 coming into from  hands and knees, lift arms first  then  turn
Dwi pada pavanmuktasana  experimenting with lifting tailbone off floor and keeping it down
SBK with support under thighs

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