Thursday, April 12, 2012

sequences for this friday and next

Devon will lead practice the next two weeks. Sequences are based on her recent study with Manouso for his  60th birth  day.

Here’s the sequence for  this week.

Adho mukha virasana
Chaturangasana, moving to
Head up AMS
Chaturangasana again
 Two times
Pincha mayurasana same
First a drill Then do the pose.  Head up, looking toward the baseboard.
Sirsa with brick in anantasana, wide between hands
Sarvangasana prep on chair with 3 blankets,
Sarvangasana using chair
Resting only
AMS walking hands back 3” at a time.  Go to
Malasana feet still apart. Head staying down the whole time
Belt/block alternating “simple uttanasana”
From right in this uttanasana, catch the big toes and do padangusthasana
Dandasana with bricks at knees / hands at sides of buttocks
Dandasana feet  and fingernails at wall, adjusting lumbars
Uttana with 2 blankets rolled into belly
Amvira with variations and different support
Parsva Upavistha Kona drill
Repeat 5 times
Janu sirsasana with variants.  Full pose repeated.
Parivrtta janu sirsa.  No blankets here.  Partner work
[chatush padasana prior to
[Sarvangasana and variations]


Here’s the sequence for  next week

Prasarita padottanasana
Parsvottanasana hands on chair
Then on floor
Vira I toe to wall, hands to wall
Sirsasana I
Chair + sticky urdhva dhanura
Chair w/o sticky (so we can slip around) coiling over U.D.
Next round:  partner work assistance
Rolled blanket under tailbone
U.Dhanura on floor
Partner work: 
Ekapada U. dhanura on chair
Partner work
Ustrasana 4x using rules
Kapotasana on chair
Ekapada u dhanura/kapotasana foot under chair lift up
u. Dhanura on floor hands to wall
U. Dhanura on floor toes to wall

Dropover lines

Sarvangasana/viparita karani on chair


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