Sunday, November 18, 2012

Schumacher Saturday afternoon sequence

Devon gently reminded me that I had not posted the Schumacher  saturday afternoon  sequence as promised. 

Here it is     the sirsasana cycle was about  15 minutes all together, sarvangasana about twenty.  it was a two hour class  so  divide the rest of the work  accordingly.

Afternoon  class.

Sukasana work  at  wall,  bend forward bring  buttocks to wall, sit upright. 
BK  on  triangle  edge of  blanket.
Sirsasana,   padmasana,   turn  in  padmasana,  pindasana or switch padmasana legs,   if not doing padmasana   BK  parsva sirsasana,  eka pada,  all to one side  and then  switch when padmasana people switch legs.
Sarvangasana,  Urdhva padmasana, pindasana  ( I don’t remember what the padmasana alternatives were).
Supta  bk,  Ujjayi  4
Seated  at wall, Ujjayi  6 with kumbaka inhalation   

We'll  do  one of John's Sequences  the next couple weeks in  friday practices and then turn to some of the Patricia sequences from  this weekend.  


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