Thursday, March 27, 2014

Joan White is Cancelled and Friday sequence

Sorry to report that Joan White is cancelled.

Devon will reschedule her for sometime next year.

In the mean time,  come practice  friday. 

This one is based on Mary and Eddy's work in Dallas last weekend.

Supta  Vrksasana


Parva  Konasana work on chair  making clasp.

Parighasana  with Malasana front  leg 

AMVira   up on  bolster 
AMS  l
Parsva  utt  many

AMS  to Tadasana to  UB  many times.

Rope   elbow,  then straight
Rope  1  classic
Rope  bhujansanas  on  horizontal bolster  then vertical bolster.

Gomukasana work,


AMVrk  palms  out

PM  palms up

Then if  sufficient lift,  worked on  scorpion  variation  a couple of  times. 

UMS   quite a few


Parsva  Salabasana

To Parsva  D  

Then  Dhanursana  to Parsva D 

Then  Parsva  D  to  Parsva  Salasansa

Ustrasana,  hands  on top of buttocks,  then  with fingers  under buttock flesh.  

Hands back to heels then  any addition amount lower  comes  from additional leg  contraction    (this is what I’m really missing for  Kapotasana)   anything else is  ego.

Salabasana  two bent legs,  teaching dwi pada  buttocks to hamstring work.

Then  take that back into Ustrasana ..

Dwi pada on chair with sticky and double folded trifold blanket.  Start close in  hands on back edge of  chair,  then work arms  between chair legs and down to the floor. 
Dwi pada in  chair.  New  J2  set up,  on  blanket  walk in hands on edges of  blanket,   sirsasana two stage press hands down.   
Seems like we got rid of the  seat  blanket at some point,  maybe working on stretching out the  legs,  inches them out to feel  hamstring engagement and keep legs in the  socket. 
Several Urdva  D’s   going up  and then stopping at top of  head.    Help each other  release trapezius skin
Dwi Pada from  Urdhva  D,  bent Legs. 
Dwi  pada  full walking legs out
AMVira  supporting head and belly
AMVaj  supporting head and belly
AMS  short stance for  back after backbends.
Parsva utt
Legs up wall with  calves belted
Pavanmuktasana with feet at the wall,  let  sacrum spread first then can pull in. 

If  time  ardha  Halasana   etc.

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