Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Extended Practice Hours!!!

Hi All,  We are on  this week  with new  Extended practice hours from  4:00-6:30.  If you need to come late or leave early no problem,  we  just wanted to have more time to practice together and not rush through these great sequences quite so quickly.

Devon will lead us this week,  this sequence is based on one Gabriella did at the Ranch.

Sunday Morning Class from Gabriella
 Adho mukha svana
Gomukhasana Full pose
Uttanasna pull up on the ankles
Akarna dhanurasana II then ways of doing I then II again. 
Sirsa II
Uttana padasana
Urdhva dandasana back and forth
U. dandasana knees bending heels in to buttocks first,
then thighs to abdomen
then tuck knees to armpits for bakasana
Bakasana I from sirsa II
          [I did bakasana from the floor many times here]
Eka Pada Bakasana ?from sirsa II
Bakasana II
Transition to backbends
Standing dropbacks at wall
Standing dropbacks lower to a chair seat or chair back
Urdhva dhanurasana pushing up from floor
Dvi pada viparita dandasana on floor
adho mukha virasana
swastikasana forward bend, to Center, R and to L and
change sides
[bharadvajasana I and or II, and Marichyasana III here]
savasana, knees bent then straigh

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