Tuesday, May 21, 2013

PW twists and armbalance sequence this friday.

See you Friday.  Great sequence ahead.

Focus on samana vayu, sutra III.41

AMS hands at wall long hold as she was helping others get into their other practices.

Walk back to Uttanasana don’t lean back.

Dandasana emphasis on legwork, extend through heels.

Parnipurna Navasana

Ardha Navasana 

AMS hands @wall notice the effect of the abd work.

Jump up and come down w/2legs there was no one leg up option, jump, keep trying keep arms straight, walking, lift from pubis jump, balance but extending inner legs, heels hard, draw abs in.

Uttanasana hold heels and extend sidewalls of chest down
Feet together 


Parivritta Trikonasana 

Uttanasana full pose pull torso into legs (This was the end of stage one of class).


It was not coming well for many so we did
Prep w/SPG (Padmasana version, she called it 4)

Then we tried Gomukasana wide feet again.

Full pose (Anne adding this in)

Uttanasana extend sides of torso

Sirsasana cross of fingers again, all the same points of previous day.
Parsva sirsasana become aware of where you are in space this is even harder to do in
Parivritta Eka pada sirsasana


Baddha Konasana

Garudasana legs
Prep w/utkatasana legs go up & down w/motion keep has on hips


Gomukasana legs again with feet on outside of hips, use strap to release top groin.
Explore rolling thighs out/in

Classic Gomukasana legs


Marichyasana 3
1. No props in center
2. Then w/foot at wall, support buttock of straight leg, come in (softly, peripherally) by leaning way back then twist from lower abs and work way up the torso. slowly sit up She had a lot of interesting points about keeping the skin of both legs soft and move the skin of the knee of the bent leg down to the hip, soften the legs before pulling bent leg
3. i think we repeated at the wall this way.
4. Then back to wall leading hand to wall slightly bend and slightly above shoulder level coordinate use of arms to turn and lift, torso try to lengthen front body more than back keep the trapezius skin moving down. There’s a rotation of the back arm externally. I think we did this twice also, you have to keep working to get the front arm down further and further, not just the armpit, but really the back of the armpit chest that we are aiming for.

Ardha Matsyendrasana 
back to wall and coordinate use of arms/elbows as in last stage of Marichyasana above here she really emphasized the rotation of the back arm. Truthfully, I get more out of keeping the back arm on a block and moving the block further back, work front arm further and further down but still keep front body longer than back body.

Marichyasana 3
Heel @wall, lift buttocks, turn from spine, Gomukasana arm back to make clasp, first we spent a ton of time working the back arm around, then turned the top arm, once you have the clasp, pull the arms down and chest up and turn more she even had Elise help her by pulling her arms down. I think we did twice

Ardha Matsyendrasana 
Working in a similar manner back arm around first. Twice.

At wall, weight onto heels, keep spine vertical as possible rather than leaning way forward, it is more like samkatsasna rather than Malasana. make clasp if possible


End of phase two.

Bakasana from floor
Prep w/malasana, hold heels, also take block behind heels and grasp it and push away from heels

Bakasana Reach forward from Malasana, lift heels and place hands and then transfer weight onto hands
Keep heels together as you come up (though this is not beginner instruction, first get up. Look forward as coming up.

Sankatasana someone asked what this means and she said I can never remember but something like awful pose.


Parsva Bakasana
Eka pada Bakasana
Tittibasana combined w/Bakasana there was some confusion over whether this is 1 or 2.

Then all of the above from sirsasana 2

Viparita Dandasana

Supta Baddha Konasana on bolster which felt reasonably transcendent.

Ardha  Halasana,  sarvangasana  etc.  Anne adding in.

1 comment:

Mary Scott said...

Starts at 4, right?