NB: poses in brackets are not in the original sequence Joan offered us.]
Supta padangusthasana I, 2x
First , side leg at 90 deg angle, then up toward ear, foot level with floor
SPG III, 3x each side
SPG II, now leg even higher to ear level
Upavistha konasana
Move toward samakonasana
Baddha konasana
Bharadvajasana I, 2x
[Bharadvajasana II]
Upright eka pada virasana at wall
Ardha baddha padmottanasana, by stages:
Bring foot up and hold; press padma foot on standing thigh; then facing wall, ardha uttanasana concave back; then going down to full pose facing wall; then full pose facing into room . Standing leg straight always, always.
AMVrks 2x
Sirsasana I and any variations we want
Supine prep for Akarna dhanurasana I
Eka pada sirsasana
Akarna dhanurasana I
Akarna dhanurasana II
Janu sirsasana, urdhva mukha and adhomukha, 2x each
Upavistha konasana to all sides: r, l, center
Parivrtta upavistha konasana
Prvt. Janu Sirsasana variant: from upavistha konasana, bend torso straight forward into the angle between thighs and then walk it around to bent leg side; then roll the chest open as you move to the straight leg side: Parivrtta janu sirsasana.
Parivrtta janu sirsasana classical
Kurmasana and variations
[Marichyasana I and III, Ardha Matsyendrasana I and II, Bharadvajasana II, Pasasana, any and all of these we like]
[Urdhva dhanurasana, 5 x, to clear the spine]
[Sarvangasana and variations]