Hi All, there's a training at the studio so no practice this friday.
We are on next friday, but will need to leave at 6. I'll lead. Devon will lead on the 11th.
Here's the plan based on a class that Karen took with PW recently.
Patricia Walden
Level III-IV - Cambridge, MA
Spring practice -
Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana –
jump to Uttanasana (full pose) –
jump to Adho Mukha Svanasana (couple
of x) then in Adho Mukha Svanasana hands/ft
together, take hands apart jump to Uttanasana
keeping ft together, this way you can watch ft, see if 1 ft lands before
other jump back to Adho Mukha Svanasana ft
together (couple of x)
Go to wall
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
– pubis twd sternum, sternum twd pubis
Sit on mat facing wall but ft not on it Ubhaya Padangusthasana from here take arms straight staying in Paripurna
Navasana (don’t drop legs)
Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana - if carrying
angle move arm by elbow twd middle of room
Chataranga Dandasana
– ft at wall, can have block under abdomen, come up
Repeated these 5 poses several x in different order: Adho Mukha Vrksasana => Ubhaya
Padangusthasana => Paripurna Navasana => Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana => Chataranga Dandasana
When we all started glaring at her all she said was ‘it’s
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Baddha Konasana
Don’t know if ya’ll remember the pic of tatyana last spring
when she was here and I posted the foot up the wall parsvakonasana so if you do
then my description for the next pose will probably make sense, otherwise good
luck, same pose only back ft on block
Variation - Still at wall, back ft away from wall (about 3-4’ estimate) on
block toes facing wall, front ft high on wall knee bent toes face ceiling, back
leg not perpendicular, angled, back leg straight, take high leg arm bent elbow
to inner knee, open groin/pelvis, take back leg hand to buttocks and move down,
twist pushing arm against knee taking knee back to help take buttocks down if
you don’t have lumbar curve don’t push knee back (we did w/o block just to see
why we were on block, more space, she said w/o it was depressing)
Parsvakonasana Variation: same setup, back ft on block can move ft closer
to wall if unstable in twist, front leg high on wall, bend front leg, raise
back leg arm up, exhale twist getting armpit to outer knee, dot move sternum up
to ceiling move direction of thigh
Middle of room
Parsvakonasana Variation – be on back leg knee/top of ft, front foot leg
bent, twist (we never lifted back knee up) repeat aiming 2” lower on torso to
place on outer knee, again: from here Parivrtta
Parsvakonasana Variation only with back leg ft turned for Ardha
Matsyendrasana (so back leg turned ft on knee/front leg bent leg) get full
twist as before then come up and sit back on ft for Ardha Matsyendrasana hold front ft if able open chest with turn of
both arms (if hips not on ft sit on blanket on ft)
Supta Padangusthasana
I – 3 ways: take rt knee into torso, hold with hands between calf and
thigh, then take shin perpendicular 1) hold big toe – pull ft down heel up as
straighten leg, move top thigh of up leg away from torso should be space there,
lengthen down leg from shoulder blade (did both sides) 2) knee to chest, shin
perpendicular, hold foot on outside of ft with hand, pull down heel up to
straighten leg (then other side) 3) knee to chest, shin perpendicular, hold
foot with both hands on either side of ft, pull down heel up to straighten leg
(then other side) – notice how these 3 stretch the leg differently
Supta Padangusthasana
I holding big toe take leg to side Supta
Padangusthasana II keeping pelvis level (both sides)
Supta Padangusthasana
II now rotate thigh and move to Supta
Padangusthasana III arm behind head if don’t lose down leg, ankle/knee on
same plane
Lolasana – tried
w/blocks and strapping legs
Baddha Konasana
Parivrtta Dandasana
Sirsasana – Parsva
Sarvangasana –
had someone demo parsva halasana but we didn’t do – Setu Bandha Dropovers or if can’t do come down and do setu bandha
on brick