Thursday, February 27, 2014

We are back on this Friday

Hi All,

The blog is   back and filled with new info from Manouso and Laurie  and some PW sequences from Portlandia  courtesy of  Randy Just.

so  exciting sequences  ahead.

this is a compilation of   what we  did  Sat and Sun  with Manouso in Dallas.  

Devon is leading  though I'm sure  Mary and I will both chime in  here and there.

From Manouso Manos a review of Saturday morning and afternoon sessions

Sukhasana on brick with double folded blankets under fingertips.

Tadasana chest action
Partner work

Trikonasana leg actions
Trikonasana chest and shoulder actions

Parsvakonasana leg actions
Parsvakonasana chest and shoulder actions

Ardha Chandrasana chair support, leg actions
Ardha chandrasana with or without chair support

Prasarita padottana

Variations as possible

Upavistha konasana on floor

Baddha kona on floor

Virasana with two blankets

One leg Upa kona /One leg baddha kona

One leg Upa kona/ One leg virasana


One leg Upa kona/One leg marichyasana

Setu bandha on brick with two folded blankets under shoulders

Chair sarvanga spinewise blankets (Lois’s vip. Karani)

Sarvanga II using chair

Sarvangasana with roll under triceps
Variations as possible


Friday, February 21, 2014

Laurie Blakeney workshop start time is 6:45 today

Hi All,

Laurie is on her way. She's had a difficult time with travel.   We are starting a bit late as a result.

See you tonight,


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Laurie Blakeney Workshop Next weekend!

Hi Austin Yogis and Yoginis, Laurie will be here soon! Feb 21-23. 

February 21-23, 2014


   **General Classes (For All Levels**)
        Friday 6:00 - 8:00pm             ($45)
        Saturday 9:30am - Noon       ($55)
        Saturday 2:30 - 5:00pm       ($55)
        Sunday 9:30am - Noon       ($55)

Total for full attendance:  $210.
Special discount to $190 for IYASCUS and IYNAUS members;
Any partial attendance, please pay per-class prices.  


Laurie returns to us in Austin for what is shaping up to be a regular wintertime visit. She has been busy, as a Senior-level Iyengar teacher traveling annually to India to learn from Mr. Iyengar, Geeta, and Prashant; moving around this country to teach and help people like us; and also running her own Ann Arbor School of Yoga full time. She has also recently led in organizing the recent Midwest Regional Iyengar Yoga Conference.  Beyond that, Laurie has served on our National Certification Committee and has been one of those who has helped shape our national assessment process over the years.
Laurie is a wonderful teacher for helping guide the student happily, sensibly, and fearlessly to deeper levels of practice.  

**This public workshop is for all levels of student with a year or more of practice. If you have injuries or are otherwise uncertain if you ought to come, ask Devon first.**


Contact Devon for information and enrollment.  Scroll down to the “contact us” section at the bottom right of this web page.  Here is a pdf-type printable version.
Please consider carpooling to and from the sessions.  Parking is limited on weekdays.  Many hotels, motels, markets, and eateries are near the studio, many in walking distance or a short drive.  If you are an out of town attendee, look at the workshops page of Clear Spring’s website to see a link to partial lists of these.

www.ClearSpringStudio.Com    605 A Copeland St., 78704

 Contact Devon to sign up now.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Advanced Practice Schedule for the next few months

Mary  asked about the  advanced practice schedule.  Here it is.

2-14   No practice   Devon and Anne in Dallas for Manouso

2-21   No Practice  Laurie  Blakeney workshop here

2-28   Practice - Devon Leading.  Arm Balances and Backbends.

3-7 Practice   Anne  Leading

3-14 Practice   Anne Leading  

3-21  Practice  Devon leading   Anne  in Dallas for  Mary and Eddy. 

3-28  Practice   Anne Leading

4-4  No practice Joan White  Here… 

4-11  Practice Devon Leading   Anne in Boston

4-18 Practice  Anne Leading

4-25  Practice   Devon Leading  Anne in Tampa

5-2  Practice  Anne Leading

5-9 Practice    Anne Leading 
5-16 Practice   Anne Leading

5-24  No practice  Ramanand Patel  workshop

5-30- August  8  Devon leading practice   as Anne will be in Pune

Friday, February 7, 2014

Patricia Backbends this afternoon

Patricia in Durango 7/24/13 Day 4 Backbends
Sit w/o blankets, unless structural issue

Upana-samana kriya


Walk feet in and rise up on metatarsals and use wrists to go back onto heels, rock back and forth

Urdhva baddha guliasana
First arms parallel to floor, shoulder blades in, then take hands up
Take chin up thoughtfully, head slightly forward, raise chin from anterior tailbone

Belts around wrists if needed, head back slightly

Uttanasana (repeat)
UH, look up
Urdhva namaskarasana
Utkatasana (don't let feet shrink)
VB 1 (pelvic heads up, eyes to back skull, look at back heel)
Eka pada AMS
Eka pada UMS, toes forward
chaturanga dandasana
Chaturanga (repeat w/UMS)

Standing on 2 low blocks, tadasana to UH, then eyes up

AM Vrksasana
Come down lightly w/2 legs
Place low blocks @wall, jump up
Mind remains taller


Supta Virasana
On what support you need or straight on floor

Supta Vajrasana (bekasana for those w/knee prob)
Ankles belted, feet together, for groins
Back of head to floor, lift pelvic heads up, buttocks to back thighs, pressurize metatarsals, tailbone away from head then lift it up

First ardha, lift inner upper arms and feel weight in elbows
Once up, thighs turn out, circularize buttocks, tailbone in (not lifting yet), balance w/inner groins moving back, then tailbone lifts

Parivrrta eka pada 1st stage

Vajrasana in sirsasana, toes point down

AMVrk prep for vrkchykasana
Hands away from wall, feet to wall, lift buttocks/tailbone up, then look towards wall, walk down wall w/feet, take shins and tops of feet to wall, feel action in thoracic

Backbend in chair
Sit facing away from wall, hands to wall thoracic arches over back seat bar, buttocks slightly forward, heels press ground
Then take buttocks and thighs up, press inner heels, move into upper back, walk up or down wall w/hands, back thighs up as you arch back, root of thigh down into heel as you stand up

Urdhva danurasana
no support

then w/hands on blocks @wall and feet on bolster, walk feet to edge of bolster and press heels down, toes up, lighter pose w/hands & feet supported

UD prep for viparita dandasana
Head stays on floor but move in towards feet, shins back lift toes to try to lift thoracic to perpendicular to floor

Drop backs to viparita dandasana onto chair @wall
Legs bent (not straight) coming up to sirsasana, feet stretch to wall, shoulder blades up thoracic deep in, abdomen in
walk down wall to chair, lift tailbone to come up
Then drop onto bolster or floor

Viparita dandasana prep
Feet onto low blocks @wall, toes up wall keep knees toward wall, head to sirsasana 2, lift shoulder blades, then take hands behind head, take shins away from wall, lift head if possible

Then swing into thoracic w/head off floor

Then walk elbows out progressively w/o losing height in buttocks and thighs (they also move towards wall as elbows move out)

1st stage of kapotasana
2nd sage of ustrasana, thighs at wall, take hands overhead, thighs may leave wall, walk in w/hands
Also facing away from wall, walking hands down the wall from ustrasana w/hands overhead

Chakra bandasana from viparita dandasana
head must come off floor, feet close together, need strength and freedom in thighs, belt looped around ankles for hands to catch, need to keep height in thighs/buttocks/armpits as you progressively walk in with hands and feet,
DPVD w/straight legs is prep for chakra bandasana because of height it gives in chest

Prone savasana
Blanket under abdomen

Feet on blocks @wall

Prasarita padotanasana
Hold ankles, head supported

Hook feet to outer edge of chair uprights, knees spread wide apart like baddha konasana, blankets support outer hips


Monday, February 3, 2014

Hi Austin Yogis and Yoginis, Laurie will be here soon! Feb 21-23. 

February 21-23, 2014


   **General Classes (For All Levels**)
        Friday 6:00 - 8:00pm             ($45)
        Saturday 9:30am - Noon       ($55)
        Saturday 2:30 - 5:00pm       ($55)
        Sunday 9:30am - Noon       ($55)

Total for full attendance:  $210.
Special discount to $190 for IYASCUS and IYNAUS members;
Any partial attendance, please pay per-class prices.  


Laurie returns to us in Austin for what is shaping up to be a regular wintertime visit. She has been busy, as a Senior-level Iyengar teacher traveling annually to India to learn from Mr. Iyengar, Geeta, and Prashant; moving around this country to teach and help people like us; and also running her own Ann Arbor School of Yoga full time. She has also recently led in organizing the recent Midwest Regional Iyengar Yoga Conference.  Beyond that, Laurie has served on our National Certification Committee and has been one of those who has helped shape our national assessment process over the years.
Laurie is a wonderful teacher for helping guide the student happily, sensibly, and fearlessly to deeper levels of practice.  

**This public workshop is for all levels of student with a year or more of practice. If you have injuries or are otherwise uncertain if you ought to come, ask Devon first.**


Contact Devon for information and enrollment.  Scroll down to the “contact us” section at the bottom right of this web page.  Here is a pdf-type printable version.
Please consider carpooling to and from the sessions.  Parking is limited on weekdays.  Many hotels, motels, markets, and eateries are near the studio, many in walking distance or a short drive.  If you are an out of town attendee, look at the workshops page of Clear Spring’s website to see a link to partial lists of these.

www.ClearSpringStudio.Com    605 A Copeland St., 78704

 Contact Devon to sign up now.