Monday, March 31, 2014

Yet another upcoming event a four part pranayama series with Anne

 This pranayama workshop is at Castle Hill  Fitness.    Click here for the  lovely flyer Amy Rogers made.

With Anne-Marie Schultz, Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Junior Intermediate I

"The yogi's life is not measured by the number of days but by the number of breaths". BKS Iyengar

Ever wondered how you are supposed to breathe in yoga class? Do you wonder why some people make sounds during Ujjayi and others do not? Do you want to know more about the relationship between asana and pranayama? Or how to establish a daily pranayama practice? Well, this series is for you. Practicing pranayama drives away the impurities of the body and the mind, and is said to specifically strengthen the respiratory system, soothe the nervous system and reduce cravings. Come learn about this powerful practice. Each class will have philosophical and a practical aspect. We'll explore a bit about the philosophy of breathing and then learn practical techniques about how to channel the power of the breathe to enhance your overall well being.

Sign up for the entire program $70
Sign up for individual weekends $20/ea
VIP Members SAVE EXTRA 10%

Weekend One
4 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 3rd

• Pranayama as the 4th limb of yoga
• Learning the basic prop set up for supine pranayama Ujjayi
• Learning the basic prop set up for supine pranayama
• Ujjayi 1-4
• Viloma 1-3

Weekend Two
4 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 10th

• Practicing Supine Pranayama in restorative yoga.
• Ujjayi 1-4
• Viloma 1-3

Weekend Three
4 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 17th

• Learning the Basics of Seated Pranayama
• Ujjayi 5-8
• Viloma 4-6

Weekend Four
4 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 24th

• Learning the Basics of Digital Pranayama.

Another upcoming yoga workshop Peggy in Boerne April 26

9:30-12:00  and  2-4:30.

Check out the link for  full details. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Gillian's Yoga Wall Workshop at the Castle is next Sunday

2 to
 4 p.m. Sunday, April 6th
Get off the mat and experience the non-weight bearing bliss of the yoga rope wall. This workshop will teach you the effective use of the rope wall to hold postures for longer, build strength, and work on alignment in your practice. Join your instructor, Gillian, as she guides you through a series of standing poses, gravity defying inversions, and chest openers to promote a sense of well-being in a strong but therapeutic practice.

• Relieve pain
• Decompress the spine
• Open the chest
• Relax the joints

$25 members
$30 non-mem

*Space for 18

Expect new moves and combinations in each workshop!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Joan White is Cancelled and Friday sequence

Sorry to report that Joan White is cancelled.

Devon will reschedule her for sometime next year.

In the mean time,  come practice  friday. 

This one is based on Mary and Eddy's work in Dallas last weekend.

Supta  Vrksasana


Parva  Konasana work on chair  making clasp.

Parighasana  with Malasana front  leg 

AMVira   up on  bolster 
AMS  l
Parsva  utt  many

AMS  to Tadasana to  UB  many times.

Rope   elbow,  then straight
Rope  1  classic
Rope  bhujansanas  on  horizontal bolster  then vertical bolster.

Gomukasana work,


AMVrk  palms  out

PM  palms up

Then if  sufficient lift,  worked on  scorpion  variation  a couple of  times. 

UMS   quite a few


Parsva  Salabasana

To Parsva  D  

Then  Dhanursana  to Parsva D 

Then  Parsva  D  to  Parsva  Salasansa

Ustrasana,  hands  on top of buttocks,  then  with fingers  under buttock flesh.  

Hands back to heels then  any addition amount lower  comes  from additional leg  contraction    (this is what I’m really missing for  Kapotasana)   anything else is  ego.

Salabasana  two bent legs,  teaching dwi pada  buttocks to hamstring work.

Then  take that back into Ustrasana ..

Dwi pada on chair with sticky and double folded trifold blanket.  Start close in  hands on back edge of  chair,  then work arms  between chair legs and down to the floor. 
Dwi pada in  chair.  New  J2  set up,  on  blanket  walk in hands on edges of  blanket,   sirsasana two stage press hands down.   
Seems like we got rid of the  seat  blanket at some point,  maybe working on stretching out the  legs,  inches them out to feel  hamstring engagement and keep legs in the  socket. 
Several Urdva  D’s   going up  and then stopping at top of  head.    Help each other  release trapezius skin
Dwi Pada from  Urdhva  D,  bent Legs. 
Dwi  pada  full walking legs out
AMVira  supporting head and belly
AMVaj  supporting head and belly
AMS  short stance for  back after backbends.
Parsva utt
Legs up wall with  calves belted
Pavanmuktasana with feet at the wall,  let  sacrum spread first then can pull in. 

If  time  ardha  Halasana   etc.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Anne's Friday Classes Some information

Hi  Everyone,

Just a reminder that there is no  class  this Friday.

March  28   There is  class
April  4   No  class.  I am giving a paper in Denton
April 11 No class   I am giving a paper  in Boston
April 18  There is  class
April  25   No class.  I am giving a paper in Tampa.
May  2    Class
may 9   Class
May 16  Class
May  23  Class

I  will be in  Pune May 28  through July 25.   I plan to start back teaching on Friday August 1.   

All these  no class dates  were  included  in my original  counting  of  15  classes at the 225  rate. if you bought  10 classes you have  until May 23rd to use them.   However, there were  one or two  snow  day   so. .... If you are on  a  10 or class or semester  pass,  you can have a couple of weeks into August to make up classes.   A new  semester  pass option  will begin  August 15.  No price increase   150 dollars for 10 classes.  I'll offer a slight discount beyond that  for the whole semester (I haven't figured that out yet)   and  the  drop in rate will remain at  18. 

Friday Practice Sequence

Sequence for this afternoon.

Laurie Blakeney sequence from 2014

Sitting in close in cross legs to begin to develop the compaction and lift

Baddha kona

Upavistha kona

Comparison alternating BK and Upa Kona

Padangusthasand dandasana
To ubhaya padangusthasna, no belt at first, stop half way and extend thru the big toe to straighten the leg, not the heel. Pull from the shoulder and push through the toes.

Paripoorna navasana from dandasana

Ubhaya padangushtasana  to ardha navasana


Ardha navasana

Adho mukha svanasana

Supta padangustha III
Supta padangusthasana II

Supta padangusthasana I

Anantasana full to parivrtta supta padang

Parivrtta trikona


Ardha Chandra

Parivrtta ardha Chandra



Tuesday, March 18, 2014

There is Advanced Practice Friday after all.

Devon and Theresa will be leading it.

Sequence forthcoming.

Also,  come to Theresa's workshop this Saturday.  

Theresa returns for her third visit to Austin, Saturday only. Classes: Saturday morning 9:30am - 12 noon Saturday afternoon 2:30-5:00pm Cost: $100 total for both classes: $55 for only one.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The blog is going to Houston for a couple of days but will be back for class and practice friday.

Hello Austin Yogi and yoginis,

We are still going strong during South by.   I'm  going to Houston for a couple days.  Hope to catch a few classes while I"m  there.  I'll be  back  For my class Friday and Practice.   We'll do a  PW sequence from  Portland.

So to reiterate. We are on this week.

No practice on the 21st, I'm in Dallas for Mary and Eddy and Devon is hosting Theresa.  

Here's the plan for friday.

Day two,  notes from Randi-ji

Adho Mukha virasana
Lift the buttock and walk hands way forward and then extend the buttocks back down without moving the hands

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Repeated several times with corrections of the legs
Legs can be wider when there is a sacral or lower back problem

Tadasana with heels at the wall
Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Namaskar

      Buttocks down

      Shoulders at the wall

      When arms are up take the top arm to the wall

      Shoulder blades down

      Do not push abdomen forward

Supta Padangusthasana I

      First eka pada parvamuktasana to get the flexsion

      Leg up with a blanket under the opposite thigh to press down

      Work on the leg to straighten

      Outer hip up leg back

      Second hold the foot with both hands and lift the head to the shin

      Blanket under the opposite thigh

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Eka pada
The up leg roll the buttock away from the tailbone of take the hip down
Straighten the knee – be with the knee – tighten the knee
Extend through the metatarsals

Urdhva Parsarita ekapadasana
The up leg roll the buttock away from the tailbone of take the hip down
Straighten the knee – be with the knee – tighten the knee
Extend through the metatarsals

Adho Mukha Vrksasana

      Up and down right and left

      Both legs

      Then walk in and lift the first leg up really high and take the dorsal in

      Then up

Pincha Mayurasana

      Palms facing

      Walk in lift the first leg up and take dorsal in – long and painful for most

      Then go up

      Then showed again and palms down


      Doing the same one legged stuff and it came beautifully

      Went up with one leg

      Came down with one leg

      Extended from the buttock bone to the heel to bring the foot down

Dwi Pada with a chair belt on the mid-thigh
Dwi pada with a belt wrapped around the top bar and then under the middle buttocks to lift the buttock
Dwi Pada taking a strap on back legs and walking the hands back take elbows down
Dwi Pada eke Pada
Urdhva dhanurasana

      Chair at the wall and keep the shins on the chair

Anne  is interceding here.   

Then I think we’ll add in  some  sarvangasana  and  drop over work

And a bunch of  twists for  spring cleanse.

Maybe a forward bend or two.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Theresa Rowland is coming to Austin for a one day workshop Saturday March 22

Theresa returns for her third visit to Austin, Saturday only. Classes: Saturday morning 9:30am - 12 noon Saturday afternoon 2:30-5:00pm Cost: $100 total for both classes: $55 for only one

Contact devon  at  to  register. 

Go to  for  more  details. 


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Karen's sequencing Blog

Hi All,  here's a great sequencing  site  that Karen Phillips and her husband, Curtis, work on.

I've put it on the side bar as well.