27 June
(timing 1-3 min/side, depending on pose)
Amvira. Amsvana. Amuttana. UM
uttana. Tadasana.
An effort at staying cool no
matter what:
Paschima namaskarasana, in utthita
Paschima namaskara in prasarita
padottanasana as far as possible
Parsvottanasana, arms down, arms
Gomukhasana in parsvottanasana: R leg fwd, R elbow up;
Then L/L; R/L; L/R.
Adho mukha svanasana
Adho mukha vrksasana and
Pincha mayurasana and variations
Salamba sirsasana I and II and
other variations, as possible
Ustrasana, support as needed.
to hover in the coiled backbend position without taking support of hands; stay
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana on
chair, first high up, then head on floor holding legs or sirsa
I hands.
Urdhva dhanurasana pushing up from
the floor and holding 30 sec. to a minute each time.
Staying cool.
Dwi pada viparita dandasana on
floor, making sure throat is open and shoulders lifted when
head is
down. On elevation under feet, or not.
Free practice walking down the
wall to U. dhanurasana staying cool.
back up again to U. hastasana staying cool.
Maybe other backbend things, but
staying cool somehow throughout.
Adho mukha svanasana torso w/
prasarita padottanasana legs .
Parsva uttanasana.
Bharadvajasana I
Bharadvajasana II or repeat BI
Marichyasana I
Ardha Matsyendrasana II
[Or some other twist or forward bend
to your liking
Halasana, shoulders supported on
bolster, legs stretching
Sarvangasana with variations
including urdhva padmasana / pindasana as possible
Setu bandha sarvangasana dropping
over and jumping up again