Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sequence for June 26 Friday Clear Spring 3:30

Here's the sequence for This week. Lots of twists.

Supta Sukasana horizontal bolster, then vertical brick. UH UD and Paryankasana work in arms.
AMS wide
Utt wide
Jump back and forth 5 times.
Supta P I 90 degrees with strap, then big toe then both hands
UH to UN
Utt feet together
Ardha baddha padmottansana first stage
Uttansana full pose
Supta tadasana
Supta I hold with both hands on heel.
Forward Bends (For all forward bends, work with motion reaching beyond foot twice then hold)

Janu Sirsasana
Parivritta JS
Uttansana with hands in paschima baddangulisana
Then paschima namascarasana in tadasana
Ardha baddha padma Paschimottasana
MI turn the forward no clasp.
Malasana as much as you can
MI with foot closer and clasp. Twist and go forward.
Bharadvajasana 2 twist then claps.
M3 as much as you can
Ardha matsyendrasana 2
Bharvadj 2
Ardha mat 2 turning to the same side then repeat on other side.
Ardha matysendrasana 1
Supta iii to Supta Ardha padasana
Ardha M 2
Working toward paripurna matsyandrasana
Like M4 for a bit just sitting without turning. Then work to cross leg over

Urdhva prasarita Eka padasana
Bakasana from Sirsasana II
Eka pada galavasana
Urdhva kukatasana
Eka pada koundinyasana I
Parsva kukatasana

Urdhva dhanurasana from bolster she said once but we did a few
Setu bandha horizontal brick, raise legs to viparita karni the spilt legs apart releases the groin
Regular Setu bandha
Savasana with head and chest on sarvangasana support.

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