Gillian will be leading us in this sequence from Manouso it is about Lengthening Low Back /creating Space in low back
Palms down on chair seat under shoulders, right angle, lengthen both sides of low back, feet under hips.
Chair Twists @ wall, 2 variations, sideways in chair, backwards through chair.
Chair Parsvottanasana 2x
Chair Parvritta Trikonasana, straight arm 1x, forearm on chair 2x.
Sirsasana, left outer buttocks, squeeze, lift buttocks off low back, separate feet & lift, legs higher.
Backbend through chair, 1 blanket roll at low back, straight legs, push through heels, push blanket towards buttocks to lengthen low back.
then 2 blanket roll, low back, tie belt to bottom rung of chair, Kapotasana prep, bent legs, raise heels, pull belt, chair moves into upper back, buttocks away from low back. 2x
3 blanket roll, pigeon, support bent leg buttock w/ arms on chair seat @ chest 2x, 2nd time raise knee (inner.)
Halasana w/ feet on chair, little toes in chair triangles, lift center thigh higher than sit bones, low back round.
Chair Sarvangasana, hamstrings down, arms @ sides.
Chair Savasana.
End of Semester Life Report
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