Hi Everyone, Here's the last of the Patricia Walden sequences from the retreat I went to in April.
Gillian has some Manouso sequences that we'll start working through in the not too distant future.
Day Six
Padmasana, upright one time each side
Matysenasana spine wise support as much as you need to keep legs down
Then with brick in middle back and support for head and arms as needed do all Paryankasana actions, then without support the flat.
AMVirasana legs wide
Parsva AMV
AMS two bricks for feet (at wall)
AMS classic
AMS two brick for hands
AMS support head hands at wall
Utt head support let armpits relax down, legs wide.
Prasarita Paddot head support upright, concave down
Then with feet on blocks
AMVrk two blocks keep quietness
AMVrk With two bolsters or higher to support under head
Then back to blocks, did many time can alternate head support and not, keeping quietness form the support
Trikonasana many variations, before each side do utthita Ardha bhekasana with the leg that will be back leg, keep knees level open the groin first variation work with back leg like someone pulling back on strap have front forearm on chair (all of these are for working with releasing hip restriction).
Parsva utthita padasana on blocks don’t go to trik
Front foot up wall
Use top arm to turn move.
AC with Chair
Ac with front leg turns out
AMS hands to wall then amv
UH then waterfall down to Utt
Parsvotanasan heels at wall, concave then down
Eka pada rajakaptotasana II prep, get vertical pelvis lunge forward resist front thigh repeat lift arms up second time, hands on chair first time.
Back leg in bhekasana, keep heel in contact with buttock go down.
Eka pada raja I balance right and left with height work on verticality, hands on chair then lift arms up
Hanumanasna with bolster and chair same actions then arms up
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana on chair
Parivritta lots of turn, then spilt legs, bring back leg way back then front leg to meet it can bend front leg if arms short put blanket under elbows move hands after you twist. A couple times each side then
Drop back to Setu B
Chair sarvangasana
Niralamba feet at wall
Chair sarvangasana or viparita karani variation
Savasana legs on chair.
End of Semester Life Report
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