Monday, November 21, 2011

There is Practice FRIDAY.

Hi All, We'll do a sequence from Devon's recent study with Patricia in Santa Fe. I decided backbends would be good, since I'm getting ready to go do my weekly twisting practice and we'll arm balance on thursday in san marcos... so unless Devon overrules it here's the sequence,

THis is from day two of the workhsop Thursday, November 10, 2010

Theme: opening the lungs by means of the heart chakra, hrdaya chakra.
Yoga Sutra III. 35: hrdaye cittasamvit

AMVira with partner placing hands on back ribs to sense breathing patterns.
Supta vira with 3 square-ish shaped
AMS to observe

Supta vira second time round with blankets turned transverse and a block under the head.
Observe the difference in the pattern and ease of breathing in each way of doing.

AMS hands and feet together to further open the lungs and prepare for sirsasana

Eka pada sirsasana
Parivrttaikapada sirsa legs apart only, not twisting


Ekapada AMS, related to ekapada and prvt ep sirsa

Vira I

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana
[“an auxiliary Vira I”]

Vira I repeat

Vira II prep

Vira II full pose

AMVrksasana, 2 x

3x; block and belt if needed; balance if you can

Vajrasana full pose, with belt around ankles as needed to really extend ankle and spread the feet.
Urdhva namaskarasana in vajra
Paschima namaskara in vajra

Urdhva mukha svanasana on tall blocks (anantasana side)

block between knees; block betw thighs
hands turned out NOT like Sarvanga II (other way) to open chest fully like UMSvana

Drop-back work with block at top thighs, hands on buttocks

Once to see;
Twice more with thighs belted

Drop-over practice again, taking chest up first before going back.


Virasana twisting

Uttanasana wide feet


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