Hi Everyone,
As many of you already know, Austin Yoga Institute is moving out of Heart of Texas shopping center. While AYI searches for a permanent home, Peggy's Monday advanced class will be held at Amala Foundation 1006 S 8th St
Austin, TX 78704, It is right across Lamar from the regular space.
As of November 1, Peggy's other classes will be held at held at 1608 Dexter Street, Austin, TX 78704, Peggy's Home Studio.
As many of you already know, Austin Yoga Institute is moving out of Heart of Texas shopping center. While AYI searches for a permanent home, Peggy's Monday advanced class will be held at Amala Foundation 1006 S 8th St
Austin, TX 78704, It is right across Lamar from the regular space.
As of November 1, Peggy's other classes will be held at held at 1608 Dexter Street, Austin, TX 78704, Peggy's Home Studio.
Please call Peggy for more information at 512-923-4643.
Please continue to support Peggy and all Iyengar yoga classes in Austin during this important time of transition in our community. Iyengar Yoga in Austin is a community effort!!.
In other news, this weekend the blog went to Dallas.
Many of the John Schumacher workshop sequences from Dallas are posted below (reposted from Christina's webpage). The sketchy outline is a product of my memory Friday and Sunday and her's Saturday . The Saturday Afternoon class is forthcoming. I'm without my regular computer set up currently and my notes on it are pretty sketchy. mostly memorable was the 15 minute sirsasana with various padmasana variations... that will keep you coming back for more.
Friday Night:
Supta Tadasana
Supta Padangusthasana- 1st stage (check Light on Yoga for pictures of the three stages he gives)
Supta Padangusthasana - 3rd stage
Supta padangusthasana -2nd stage
Uppavistha Konasana
Baddha Konasana
Janu sirsasana
Ardha Baddha Pada padma pascimottasana
Supine lotus with no hands
Urdhva padmasana in sirsanana
Urdhva padmasanan in sarvangasana
seated meditation
Saturday Morning:
janu sirsasana
uppa vista konasana
janu sirsasana
uppa vista konasana
upright sitting prep parsva uppa vista konasana
parivritta janu sirsasana -2X
ardha matsyendrasana 2
adho mukha svasasana
urdhva mukha svasasana
several times from Adho mukha through chataranga
ustrasana- 3X
chatush padasana-2X
urdhva dnaurasana-10X
dwi pada viparita dandasana-5X
parivritta janu sirsasana -2X
ardha matsyendrasana 2
adho mukha svasasana
urdhva mukha svasasana
several times from Adho mukha through chataranga
ustrasana- 3X
chatush padasana-2X
urdhva dnaurasana-10X
dwi pada viparita dandasana-5X
supta virasana, if can stay flat on floor, then push up to Kapotasana, or just stay in SV
kapotasana- 3X
adho mukha svasasana
adho mukha vajrasana
kapotasana- 3X
adho mukha svasasana
adho mukha vajrasana
Parsva vajrasana
parsva adho mukha vajrasana
parsva adho mukha vajrasana
seated meditation
seated meditation
Sunday Morning:
Childs Pose
Down Dog
Sirsasana- 15 minutes
Parsva sirsasana
Eka Pada Sirsasana
Parsva Eka pada sirsasana
childs pose with chin on floor
Baddha Konasana and go forward
Maricyasana I
Malasana II
Bakasan from sirsasana II
Parsva bakasana
From sirsasana II
Urdhva kukatasana (or repeat bakasana) from Sirsasana II
Dwi Pada koundinyasana
Pinca mayurasana
Urdhva Mukha svanasana
Adho mukha svanasana
Chatush padasana
Urdva Dhanurasana 7X
Sarvangasana- 15 minutes