Sunday, January 4, 2015

15 Backbends for 2015

 Advanced Practice starts back Friday.   Anne will lead the  Annual New Year Backbend practice.  I think we started this way back in 2010.   So  this is the sixth annual!

Here’s  the  15  backbends for  2015  sequence.   It is more or less what I attempted to get through on Saturday  with  a  few more fun  additions.  (if you count the backbend actions in the standing poses and  supta virasana it is actually a few more than 15. 

Calf, ankle, and  foot  mashing
AMS  (with support)  blocks for  hands and for  elbows
Static Rope   straight arm and  elbows (1 and 2)
Rope 1  (3)
Arm circles with strap
Gomukasana  arms
Parsvotasana concave back hands on blocks and  on hips   Emphasize  backbend action in chest    
Vira I hands on hips and up right   
Parsvakonasana   rope for top and bottom arm
Parighasana rope  for  top  arm  bent leg and strap
Ustrasana  at rope wall,  working hamstring buttocks a lot.     (4)

Paryanksansana  (5)
Supta Virasana 
Matysasana   (6)
Salabasana  (7)
Makarasana  (8)
Dhanurasana  (9)
Parsva D  (10)
Bhekasana   (11)
Urdhva  D  from  Chair  (12)
From Two bolsters
Dwi pada  on  Chair various stages (13)
Dwi  Pada from floor  (14)
Kapotasana (15) 
A variety of  chair  twists
Chair Halasana
Sarvangasana  and  Cycle 
or Viparita  Karani  instead  

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