Friday, January 15, 2016

Exciting News Peggy is Leading Advanced Practice today

Here's the sequence.

Sukhasana forward, change cross repeat, dandasana, lolasana (do what is possible without props)
AMS with hands holding mat, heels to wall, work heels down to floor, drive thoracic spine EVENLY IN, walk to


AMVrk, be systematic, right leg first, left leg first, frog hops, pike if possible
PM with block to palms on sides, then palms down, focus on thoracic spine evenly in, shoulderblades up and in, right leg first, left leg first, then frog hops then pike, etc.
AM Virasana to head supported AMS, have necessary props
Sirsasana I. focusing on thoracic spine and shoulderblades
Parsva with bent legs, focusing on bring FRONT hip around, then with straight legs
Parsvaikapada , focusing again on bringing front hip around
Eka pada focus on thoracic spine and shoulderblades and up leg
Parsva eka pada same focus
Amvira to rccover, then AMS then walk to Uttanasana
Baby backbends focusing on thoracic evenness and shoulderblades
One leg at a time salabasana, then classic, arms back, palms down
Makarasana then get blocks and bolster
Ustrasana at wall, with blocks flat palms fingers back, with bolster, ditto then work to feet ditto, keeping thighs/pubis to wall, thoracic evenness and shoulderblade focus

Rope work
Static ropes one
Moving ropes one
Arms behind with bolster at knees
Arms overhead with bolster at knees, don’t be floppy, resist lumbar as thoracic goes evenly in, shoulderblade focus

Supta virasana, minimum support
Paryankasana, two blocks, belt thighs as necessary

Get a second belt, place it around front legs of chair
Place two book fold blankets and bolster within reach of chair, blocks at wall just in case
Chair dwi pada at wall, six fold blanket with thicker part under thoracic, thighs belted, heels dig to wall, on blocks if necessary, focus on evenly taking thoracic in TO broaden sternum and collarbones, meanwhile rolling outer thighs up TO broaden sacrum
First time on shoulder blades, hands pressing on sides of chair
Second time down lower on back, hands underneath chair, pulling
Third time arms overhead and to sirsa I position, support head and forearms eventually on blankets, bolster or floor, working toward belt
Each time come up head last and last time coming up do chair twist twice

Urdhva D
Feet up on blocks at wall and body on bolster.
Repeat several times, then turn around
Hands on blocks at wall, body on bolster to save energy in arms (don’t have to do such heavy lifting), eventually lift heels, lift tailbone, keep tailbone lifted, walk feet in, pump heels down
Long setu banda with block under sacrum and feet wide on boslter at wall.
Hanumanasana work with bolster and chair, do three times, switching to lower folded blanket as possible and turning toward back thigh last time
Focus on back leg, absolutely support front back thigh and back front thigh, keeping hips square
Sitting on bolster, Marichi I and III
Sitting on minimum height, upavistha konasana
Parsva upavistha konasana
Parivritta upavistha konasana
Upavistha konasana forward, bolster under belly and ribs, head support
Halasana, thighs supported on chair, get eyewrap
Savasana calves on chair, eyebag or eyewrap on eyes


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