I asked Laurie to give me poses to make into a sequence. In that Laurie didn't want pictures posted on Facebook, I'm not going to post the poses she gave me here, but as luck would have it it includes Kurmasana.
I can think of three possible options.
Here is what Devon is teaching. Don't know about Deb.
Jr III sequence for
Devon, March 2016 (50 min.)
6 poses, but a seventh added for an even ending if possible.
1. Pincha Mayurasana, 9’
a) palms down
b) palms up
2. Sirsasana II
3. Dwi Pada Viparita Danda without chair, 10’
a) first
time with elbows supported against a wall, with feet on 1-foot high support if props are available (viparita karani
box or non-shaking setu bandha bench)
b) second
time, away from wall with feet on floor, knees bent.
4. Setu Bandha dropping from Sarvangasana
I, and hopping up again, two feet at a
time 8-10’
5. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana 8’
6. Marichyasana II as possible 6’
[and just to end things symmetrically for the next person,
or before savasana if I am the last one to teach]
7. Paschimottanasana 1’-2’
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