Friday, March 4, 2016

Sequences for this afternoon.

I asked    Laurie to give me  poses to make into a sequence.  In that Laurie  didn't want pictures posted on Facebook, I'm not  going to post the  poses she gave me here,   but as luck would have it  it includes Kurmasana.  

I can think of  three possible options.

Here is what Devon is  teaching.  Don't know about Deb. 

Jr III sequence for Devon, March 2016  (50 min.)
6 poses, but a seventh added for an even ending if possible.
1.   Pincha Mayurasana,  9’
a) palms down
b) palms up
2.   Sirsasana II  3-5’
3.   Dwi Pada Viparita Danda without chair,  10’
            a) first time with elbows supported against a wall, with feet on 1-foot high support if props are available (viparita karani box or non-shaking setu bandha bench)
            b) second time, away from wall with feet on floor, knees bent.
4.   Setu Bandha dropping from Sarvangasana I, and hopping up again, two feet at a time 8-10’
5.   Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana  8’
6.   Marichyasana II as possible 6
[and just to end things symmetrically for the next person, or before savasana if I am the last one to teach]
7.   Paschimottanasana 1’-2’

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