Friday, December 1, 2017

Friday Advanced Practice

I'm  leading practice this afternoon.  We'll work through some of the Junior 3 poses  looking at this demonstrated practice sequence.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Three Workshops this Spring: Laurie, Manouso, and Randy

I saw my mentor, Laurie Blakeney, this weekend.  She will be coming to Austin  the third weekend it January. She is an awesome teacher, friendly and accessible. She’s also chair of the certification  committee for IYNAUS so she knows a lot about the assessment process and she’ll just be back from a month of study in Pune when she comes to Austin. January 19-21, 2018
  You can sign up online  at 

The following month, Manouso Manos, will be coming to town. Manouso is a legendary Iyengar Yoga teacher. He’s really the person who got me on the path of Iyengar Yoga  about 21 years ago.   He has not come to Austin in Many years and  Austin Yoga Tree, Clear Spring , and Austin Iyengar Yoga    are collaborating and co-sponsoring this event.   You can sign up on line. 

Finally, one other spring workshop.  My great friend and teacher Randy Just will be coming back to Austin the First weekend in April. This will be at  Castle Hill fitness again. There is not online sign up  yet,  but  please save the date  for Friday April 6 and Saturday April 7.  Randy is a super fun, dynamic teacher. This is his second visit to Austin in what I hope will become one of the amazing annual Iyengar workshops we host in Austin each year.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Memorial Service for Bekir Algon

Austin Yogis and Yoginis,  There will be a  Memorial for Bekir Algon November 11 at 4pm in the Umlauf Sculpture Gardens.  

All are welcome. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Peggy is leading Advanced Practice today 4-6

Standing Sequence with Inversions,
Based on a class with Lara Warren, NY Iyengar Institute, 2015?

Adho mukha virasana
Adho mukha svanasana, 3 minutes, leg emphasis, could use wall for heels
Parsvottanasana, do as in LOY pp. 78-84

Classic Uttanasana, concave, then downward extending, use blovks as nec.
Padangusthasana, concave, then downward, use belt as nec.
Padahastasana, concave, then downward, do the best you can or repeat above

Adho mukha vrksasana, fingers to sides, fingers forward x 2

Uttanasana, feet hip width

Surya namaskar x 4 with chaturangas

Adho mukha vrksasana, x 3, alternate legs, then legs together

Surya Namaskar x 4 with chaturangas

Pincha Mayurasana, alternate legs, then legs together, x 3, use props as nec

Sirsasana, no variations, 4-5 minutes

Roll over back of chair as preparation for ustrasana, or just regular chair bb

Ustrasana and ustra dropbacks to chair or blocks or combo

Urdhva dhanurasana, leg emphasis, wrists to wall, walk in, legs straighter, x 2

Adho mukha virasana

Parsva uttanasana

Parivrtta trikonasana

Parivrtta parsvakosana, near wall so you can use hands on wall to help turning

Salamba sarvangasana from one minute halasana, 4-5 minutes
Then halasana again, alternate hand positions
Chair savasana

Monday, August 28, 2017

Jaki Nett, September 8-10 at Energies Balanced yoga

Here's the link to the info for Jaki's workshop. cid:2161EC25-1EB6-4879-90F8-78EAD0E3D1D9


Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Friday Advanced Group Practice at Clear Spring is Starting Back August 25, 2017. 4-6 PM.

 The Friday Advanced Group Practice at Clear Spring is Starting Back  August  25, 2017.  4-6 PM.    

 Pay what you can. 

Hello Everyone,  I am pleased to announce that the Advanced Practices  will resume soon.   For those of you unfamiliar with group practice,  let me explain a bit about what it entails.  Each week, a certified Iyengar yoga teacher will lead the group through a sequence of poses.  Often, the sequence is one from a recent workshop with a Senior Teacher in the Iyengar method. Sometimes, it is a sequence that the instructor wants to work on.   Sometimes, it is oriented toward  assessment preparation, but mostly the aim is to share the love of yoga and deepen our practice and sense of community.    

This is not a class, but rather a led practice where the  leader does the poses with the whole group.    We also help each other a lot with poses.  It is a lot of  fun and  a great way to connect with others who share the love of yoga practice.

We welcome practitioners from all methods of yoga. We welcome people  at all levels of practice.  This is a space where we work together to understand the poses we explore each week.

A note about the donation. We ask for a donation to cover approximately 2.5   hours of  studio rental time. If there is any money collected beyond that, we offer some compensation to the leader of the practice that week.   The suggested donation is $20.00. This amount is only a suggestion. It reflects what the average attendance is at the practice and the rental rate of the studio.  However, we recognize that  $20.00 may be beyond the budget of some yogis and yoginis. If that is the case, just offer what you can afford to donate that week.

The aim is practice, not financial profit.

8-25   Anne leading  a sequence from Pune
9-1   Karuna leading   a sequence from  Pune
9-8 No practice, Jackie Nett workshop at Lisa’s place. 
9-15 Devon Leading
9-22 Peggy Leading
9-29 Peggy Leading

Oct  6    Need leader.
Oct 13  Mary leading. A John Schumacher sequence. 
Oct 20  Devon leading
Oct  27  Devon leading 

Nov  3   Peggy leading   
Nov  10    Melissa leading
Nov 17   Anne leading.
Nov  24   Thanksgiving  weekend,  no practice 

Dec  1  Anne leading
Dec  8   Val leading, a sequence from Amsterdam. 
Dec  15  NEED LEADER    

Friday, February 3, 2017

Sign Up for Randy's Workshop It is going to be great

Hi All,

Randy will be here a week from  today at  Castle Hill for a Mini Workshop.  He's  a great teacher.  He's been through six levels of Iyengar Certification and is working on his seventh right now.  This is is first Austin workshop.  Come be part of this part new exciting tradition in Austin Iyengar Yoga.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gillian is doing a Rope Wall Workshop Next weekend

Hi friends!

I'm leading a Yoga Rope Wall Workshop next weekend at Castle Hill Fitness focusing on standing poses.  Join in the fun as we practice these fundamental asanas in very creative and supportive ways to gain a fresh perspective on these basic yet challenging poses. 

Next Saturday, February 4, 1:30-3:30pm.
See flyer below for details and sign-up information.

Have a beautiful weekend!
Gillian Barksdale

Monday, January 16, 2017

Laurie Workshop this weekend

Grow Your Practice: The Roots and Wings of Iyengar Yoga
A Weekend Workshop with

January 20-22, 2017
Laurie Blakeney has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983.  Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 4 national conventions among other committee service. 
 She brings to her class a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. She is also Anne’s mentor in the assessment process. 
Schedule:                                                                 Price:

  Friday 6:30 - 8:30pm           
  Saturday 9:30am - Noon      
  Saturday 2:30 - 5:00 pm      
  Sunday 9:30am - Noon      
 2 Hour  Class  $50.00
 2.5 Hour Classes  $60.00
 Whole Workshop discount $210.00

 Contact  Anne  at  or   Devon at to enroll or  just enroll  online through the workshops link for the  Clear Spring Web Page. 

Send Checks to Clear Spring Studio  605 A Copeland St 78704   
Cash and Credit Cards are accepted at the studio and online  through  Clear Spring web page.   

Anatomy Workshop with Sam

Sam is  doing  a    workshop series on anatomy and yoga the last saturday of Jan, Feb, March April and May at Energies Balanced 3:00-5:30 it is for all levels. The info is  linked info below

for more info see

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sign up for Yoga at ACC

Here's a note from Patti G  about her  classes  at  ACC

I've been working on reserving some slots in my classes for Continuing Ed., but as of yesterday it hasn't happened. Anyone who wants to take my student classes will have to register for ACC. Classes with low enrollment may be cancelled today at 5pm.

Iyengar Yoga classes taught for college credit at ACC January 17 - May 14, 2017: To enroll in these classes go to and follow the prompts. High School students age 16 and older receive dual high school/ college credit. You will need the 5 digit number to register.

20562 sec. 010 Hays campus (KYLE) Fridays - 1-3:40pm
20566 sec. 014 Northridge campus gym Sundays 12-2:40pm

12 week session: February 13 - May 14, 2017
17655 sec. 019 Round Rock campus rm 3339 MW 6:30- 8:20pm

Free Iyengar yoga classes for faculty and staff are held at Northridge campus on Mondays and Wednesdays, 12 - 1pm, and begin January 23. Register through employee benefits. YOur campus manager's office will send a direct link.

Questions? Contact Patti Gagne-

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Grow Your Practice: The Roots and Wings of Iyengar Yoga
A Weekend Workshop with

January 20-22, 2017
Laurie Blakeney has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983.  Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 4 national conventions among other committee service. 
 She brings to her class a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. She is also Anne’s mentor in the assessment process. 
Schedule:                                                                 Price:

  Friday 6:30 - 8:30pm           
  Saturday 9:30am - Noon      
  Saturday 2:30 - 5:00 pm      
  Sunday 9:30am - Noon      
 2 Hour  Class  $50.00
 2.5 Hour Classes  $60.00
 Whole Workshop discount $210.00

 Contact  Anne  at  or   Devon at to enroll or  just enroll  online through the workshops link for the  Clear Spring Web Page. 

Send Checks to Clear Spring Studio  605 A Copeland St 78704   
Cash and Credit Cards are accepted at the studio and online  through  Clear Spring web page.   

Austin Iyengar Yoga

Austin  now has a yoga studio that  actually has Iyengar Yoga in the  Name.

Peggy has changed the Austin Yoga Institute  into   Austin Iyengar Yoga.

Here's the web  page link.

Spiffy new  format also.