Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sign up for Yoga at ACC

Here's a note from Patti G  about her  classes  at  ACC

I've been working on reserving some slots in my classes for Continuing Ed., but as of yesterday it hasn't happened. Anyone who wants to take my student classes will have to register for ACC. Classes with low enrollment may be cancelled today at 5pm.

Iyengar Yoga classes taught for college credit at ACC January 17 - May 14, 2017: To enroll in these classes go to austincc.edu and follow the prompts. High School students age 16 and older receive dual high school/ college credit. You will need the 5 digit number to register.

20562 sec. 010 Hays campus (KYLE) Fridays - 1-3:40pm
20566 sec. 014 Northridge campus gym Sundays 12-2:40pm

12 week session: February 13 - May 14, 2017
17655 sec. 019 Round Rock campus rm 3339 MW 6:30- 8:20pm

Free Iyengar yoga classes for faculty and staff are held at Northridge campus on Mondays and Wednesdays, 12 - 1pm, and begin January 23. Register through employee benefits. YOur campus manager's office will send a direct link.

Questions? Contact Patti Gagne- pgagne@austincc.edu

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