Monday, April 13, 2009

Sequence for Friday April 17th 3:30

This one is from Gabriella Guibiliaro. Hope to see everyone there.

AMS with head on a block

Vinyasa: on r. leg first
urdhva hasta
ardha chandra r. side
vira III
urdhva prasarita ekapadasana
utthita hasta padangusthasana I
ardha baddha padmottanasana
urdhva hastasana
[repeat on l. side, then again]
Second time, when coming out of ABPadmottana, go immediately to
parivrtta trikonasana
[add other poses as desired. This is for strengthening the legs}

supta vira
pincha mayurasana
parsvottanasana into parivrtta trikonasana

variations at will

urdhva mukha svanasana on chair
prep for ekepad rajakapota:
lunge into chair.
first time, back leg on floor
second time, back shin on wall
third time, both shins on wall, knees apart, toes touching
fourth time, with assistance to go to kapotasana several times

urdhva dhanurasana 3x, classical
again, straightening arms at wall with blocks
again, with feet parallel and thighs rolling in
again, block between ankles
again, no props but remembered actions

chair twists:
forward bend as malasana
leaning over one knee then other knee
pasasana in chair at wall, twice each side

supported halasana or viparita karani

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