Thursday, December 15, 2011

Congratulations to the newly certified teachers.

First, Congratulations to the three newest certified teachers in Austin, Seva, Patti, and Debra all passed their assessment. Yippee!!!

Second, Anne is teaching a restorative workshop at Clear Spring this Saturday from 3-5. Cost is 40 dollars. Come relax and unwind before you hit the malls.

Third, Anne is now teaching an ongoing Level 2-3 class at Castle Hill Tuesdays at 9:30. You don't have to be a member of castle Hill to attend. If you buy a 20 class pass, it is only 11 dollars a class!!!!

Fourth, There is practice Friday at Clear Spring. 4:30 cost 10 dollars.

What's on the docket for Friday? dropping over from Dwi Pada

These are some notes Randy sent me from the recent Patricia Workshop in Santa Fe. Devon will lead us through it Friday.

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Morning session 10:00a-1:00pm

SUTRAS 2:46, 2:47, 2:42, 2:48
Harmonious curve of the spine
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Uttanasana - concave
Eka pada supta virasana – keep knee on the mid-line
Supta Virasana
Paryankasana trunk, supta tadasasana legs, belt hammock-sling on arms for head to rest on
Supta Virasana
Paryankasana – draw arms into the sockets
Ardha supta virasana – other leg in maricyasansa
Lunge on front leg, back leg in Bhekasana, before bending keep the foot at the outer thigh, do not let them come apart, do not turn torso
Eka pada Bhekasana
Bhujangasana with calves belted – coil top chest, use the arms with elbows bent
Salabhasana – alternate pose for those not doing full Bhekasana
Bhekasana full pose
Samasthiti – as prep for Sirsasana
Sirsasana – prep with block (savasana block then Tadasana block) legs in pinchamayurasana, sirsasana with fingers interlaced around block.
eka pada
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Urdvha Hastasana – face the wall to roll the deltoids out and move the upper arm bones away from the wall
Amdho Mukha Vrksasana
Pinchamayurasana _at the wall and balance

Room divided into 2 groups
Beginner group:
Chair dpvd
Ustrasana – front thighs @ chair
Chair dpvd deeper off chair

Advanced Group:
Chatush padasana – holding edge of mat
Urdhva dhanurasana
There was a group dropping over onto a chair
Advanced Group:
Sirsasana drop backs to wall
Legs bent, then straighten
Chatush Padasana, lift thoracic, shins back, lift hips
Urdhva Dhanurasana – belt around the femur heads
DPVD – feet @ the wall

Sirsasana drop-back middle of room, if thumping down then go to a chair, do not let the head lift at all when dropping over. Move the thorasic spine forward
To cool down:
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Prasarita Padottanasana, – Parsvottanasana (do not stay in poses)

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