Friday, November 30, 2012

BKS Iyengar's BIrthday Celebrations

BKS Iyengar's 94th birthday is just around the corner.

Peggy will offer a birthday celebration  on Sat. 12/15.
Donations will benefit the Bellur Temple Fund, Iyengar’s birth village Patanjali temple.
Cake will be served post class (10 am), never too early for cake!
and the 95 sun sals will begin at 9 am.

Devon is honoring BKS in this way.

Dec 21-22 Two Special Benefit Practices for BKS Iyengar's (Belated) Birthday! BKS Iyengar's birthday is Dec 14. We will celebrate by combining our Christmas benefit class with a celebration of our root teacher's service to the world by donating the entire proceeds of these two practices to charity. Come to one or come to both. Friday afternoon will be the usual "advanced" practice, and Saturday morning will be an all-levels practice. Suggested donation: $10 for a 2-hour class, or as much as makes you happy, all for a good cause.

News about Austin Yoga Institute's new location

Austin Yoga Institute Moving News, thank you for bearing with us!

Beginning Tuesday, November 27, 2012, the following yoga classes will all be at
4006 South Lamar Boulevard, Suite 700
in Brodie Oaks Shopping Center
between Tuesday Morning and Active Life Healing Center, near Sprouts and Starbucks,
on the northwest corner of South Lamar and Ben White

Stacey’s 6 to 7:30 pm Tuesday class
Peggy’s noon to 1:30 Wednesday class
Yves’ 6 to 7:30 pm Wednesday class
Peggy and Yves Saturday 8 to 10 am classs
Yves noon to 1:30 pm Monday class

Until the end of December, Peggy’s Restorative Thursday 4 to 5:30 pm class will be at her Dexter Street studio, starting on Thursday, January 3, at Brodie

Until the end of December, Peggy’s advanced Monday 3:45 to 5:45 class will be at
Amala Foundation, 1006 South Eighth Street. Starting on Monday, January 7, this class will move to Brodie.

No classes on December 24 and 25, or on December 31 and January 1.

To get to Brodie from 1608 Dexter, go up the hill to Garner Street, go left.
Go through the stopsign at Collier, round a bend on Garner to the stopsign at Heather, go right.
At the stopsign at Bluebonnet, go left.
At the light at South Lamar go right (you are between Mr. Natural and the old Artz Ribhouse), About 1.5 miles further south, through the light at Manchaca, on your right is Brodie Oaks, Go right into the center, suite 700 is facing you, between Tues AM and Active Life Healing Center.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Friday Practice this week

Hi Everyone,  We are practicing again this Friday.  We'll work on the Saturday morning sequence that John Schumacher did in Austin with a few inversions added in  (he did a long inversion session in the afternoon).   The additions are mine and in bold.

janu sirsasana
uppa vista konasana
upright sitting prep parsva uppa vista konasana
parivritta janu sirsasana -2X
ardha matsyendrasana 2
adho mukha svasasana
urdhva mukha svasasana
several times from Adho mukha through chataranga
ustrasana- 3X
chatush padasana-2X
urdhva dnaurasana-10X
dwi pada viparita dandasana-5X
supta virasana,  if  can stay flat on floor, then  push up to  Kapotasana,  or  just stay in SV
kapotasana- 3X
adho mukha svasasana
adho mukha vajrasana
Parsva vajrasana
parsva adho mukha vajrasana
ardha halasana

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Upcoming Events in Austin

BKS Iyengar's 94th birthday is just around the corner.

Peggy will offer a birthday celebration  on Sat. 12/15.
Donations will benefit the Bellur Temple Fund, Iyengar’s birth village Patanjali temple.
Cake will be served post class (10 am), never too early for cake!
and the 95 sun sals will begin at 9 am.

Devon is honoring BKS in this way.

Dec 21-22 Two Special Benefit Practices for BKS Iyengar's (Belated) Birthday! BKS Iyengar's birthday is Dec 14. We will celebrate by combining our Christmas benefit class with a celebration of our root teacher's service to the world by donating the entire proceeds of these two practices to charity. Come to one or come to both. Friday afternoon will be the usual "advanced" practice, and Saturday morning will be an all-levels practice. Suggested donation: $10 for a 2-hour class, or as much as makes you happy, all for a good cause.

Devon is  offering some Saturday classes. See Clear Spring studio for details. 

Jan 12: Iyengar Prop Basics: Standing Poses;
Feb 16: Iyengar Prop Basics: Forward Bends;
Mar 16: Iyengar Prop Basics: Seated Twists;
Apr 27: Iyengar Prop Basics: Back Bends
May 25: Iyengar Prop Basics: The Rope Wall

Also,  Laurie Blakeney is coming  (Feb 8-10).  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

There is finally Friday practice, this friday and next

We are practicing this Friday and next Friday afternoon. We'll work on some Schumacher sequences from Dallas  then turn to some Patricia Walden sequences after those. 

Here's what's on the docket Friday.  All of these are rather long holds.

supta Tadasana
Supta Padangusthasana- 1st stage (check Light on Yoga for pictures of the three stages he gives)
Supta Padangusthasana - 3rd stage
Supta  padangusthasana -2nd stage  
Uppavistha Konasana
Baddha Konasana 
Janu sirsasana
Ardha Baddha Pada padma pascimottasana 
Supine lotus with no hands 
Urdhva  padmasana in sirsanana
Urdhva padmasanan in  sarvangasana
seated meditation

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Schumacher Saturday afternoon sequence

Devon gently reminded me that I had not posted the Schumacher  saturday afternoon  sequence as promised. 

Here it is     the sirsasana cycle was about  15 minutes all together, sarvangasana about twenty.  it was a two hour class  so  divide the rest of the work  accordingly.

Afternoon  class.

Sukasana work  at  wall,  bend forward bring  buttocks to wall, sit upright. 
BK  on  triangle  edge of  blanket.
Sirsasana,   padmasana,   turn  in  padmasana,  pindasana or switch padmasana legs,   if not doing padmasana   BK  parsva sirsasana,  eka pada,  all to one side  and then  switch when padmasana people switch legs.
Sarvangasana,  Urdhva padmasana, pindasana  ( I don’t remember what the padmasana alternatives were).
Supta  bk,  Ujjayi  4
Seated  at wall, Ujjayi  6 with kumbaka inhalation   

We'll  do  one of John's Sequences  the next couple weeks in  friday practices and then turn to some of the Patricia sequences from  this weekend.