Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Much Anticipated Fall Advanced Practice Schedule

Fall Advanced Practice  Schedule

September  5 NO  practice  Assessment at  Studio
September 12  Anne  leads.
September  19  Anne leads. This is also Immersion Weekend.  Soup kitchen is afterward at  7:30 (Devon’s House)
September  26   Anne leads.

October  3  Mary Scott  leads.  Rumor is she will do an Arun hip opening sequence.  
October  10   No practice
October  17   Anne leads
October 24   Devon leads. 

October  31 Anne  Leads

Nov  7  NO  practice  Joan White Workshop at Clear Spring
Nov 14   Devon leads.
Nov 21    Anne  leads.
Nov 28  Anne leads.  This will be the day after the  now  8th annual Thanksgiving backbend extravaganza. So expect forward bends and twists.

December  5  NO practice.  John Schumacher in Dallas.  
December 12     Anne Leads.
December  19   Devon Leads.

We’ll start back  Friday  Jan  2  with  Fifteen Backbends for  2015. 

September Immersion with Anne and Devon Sept 19-20

Here's the link to  the   September  Immersion.

“Kriya-yoga, the path of action, consists
of self-discipline, study, and
dedication to the Lord.” 
- Pātañjali Yoga Sutra II.1, Edwin Bryant transl.

Kriya Yoga refers to the ‘doing’ part of yoga.  It is what our physical, ordinary human bodies and minds have to do to reach a state of freedom.   The ‘kr’ of the word is just the verb root ‘to do’, but in this special context -- with that other word ‘yoga’ attached, it means very particular sorts of doing. We will look at Patanjali’s three practices to shed light on their importance, and then
to have some practical experience both in discussion and in asana practice. 
3:30pm-4:30pm                     Teachers’ Practice ($10)
This class is for teachers of Iyengar Yoga, or those studying to be an Iyengar teacher. 
4:30pm -6:30pm                    Advanced Practice ($20)
Advanced practice is not a class.  Rather, one of us leads the group through a challenging sequence
 aimed at expanding our practice horizons.   This session is for practitioners with experience, who can work with intermediate and advanced poses.  Don’t worry; you don’t have to be able to do all the poses.  The point of this practice is to learn how to approach advanced work safely.  It is a lot of fun!
7:30pm-9:30pm                     Philosophy Soup Kitchen,  All Levels ($30)
Held at Devon’s house, wherein we eat delicious vegetarian soup, and then review and discuss Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra in organized topical segments. You don’t have to read up in advance.   It’s social, educational, easy and nutritious, all in one. 
9:30am-12:00pm      Asana Class,  All Levels ($30)
Once again, bringing the philosophical notions into the practice.  This class is for all levels of student.  It can be taken singly, as one Saturday class, or as a part of the whole Immersion.

COST:  Teacher’s Class: $10 ;  Advanced Practice: $20 ; Soup Kitchen:  $30 ; Saturday Asana Class: $30.  OBO (if you need financial aid, just ask.  It is our pleasure and our practice to help.). 

READING AHEAD:  Pātañjali Yoga Sutra, chapter II.1 is our focus, but you can review from earlier YS I.12-16 and I. 20-39 (these are all Patanjali’s previous statements about practice from the first chapter. )  Please don’t worry; you don’t have to study in advance for this; we will provide handouts of the sutras in question and there will be room for questions and discussion.

FOR MORE INFORMATION OR ENROLLMENT, contact Devon Dederich via email:  devond108 at, (or go to the bottom of this web page and use the ‘get in touch’ window. Pretty easy.)

The next Immersion will be October 17-18: Klesha, Karma, and the Power of Practice.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Karen Phillips has a blog.

Hello  readers of Iyengar Yoga in Austin,

I'm happy to report that  long time blog follower, Karen Phillips of  Dallas,  now  has a blog of her own.  She's going to Pune for  December's events, but decided to start early.  She gives a really lovely account of  how BKS Iyengar Studio of  Dallas  celebrated the memorial  Practice.    Her blog is on the side bar.


the blog

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lots of Backbends this Friday!!!!

This   sequence  is  based on the Saturday afternoon class   Mary  taught up in  Dallas a couple weeks ago.  I  added a few things in  from other things they taught and some stuff I want to work on…       Mary Scott  missed that  class  so this practice is for her!

Amvira  4  variations
Shoulder work
AMS  With  blanket roll or bolster under forearms bring head to other side of  bolster.
Rope work   


AMvrk,  working on  balancing
PM,  Working on  Balancing 

UMS,  with bricks 

 paryankasana,   full pose. 
Matsyasana  full pose
Uttana Padasana

 UD,    From  bolsters  and  from  floor
Eka Pada UD,  (From  bolsters) 
Chair dwi  pada  chair  eka pada  dwi pada
Dwi Pada, Eka Pada Dwi Pada,


Parsva  Utt
Ardha  Halasana

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Special Iyengar Events in September.

The Iyengar Yoga in Austin blog  will now  list  the special events  that  the blog knows about  each month.  If you have a special Iyengar Event you want included in the month, please let me know. The blog is not  omniscient. 

Here are the special events I know about that are happening in September. 

Sept  1   Free Day of  Yoga.

9:30-10:30  Alignment  Yoga with Gillian  at  Castle Hill

Sept  6-7      Intro  I  Assessment at  Clear  Spring.

We  need  students to volunteer to be  assessment students. Contact Devon for  details. 

Sept 13-14   Austin Yoga Institute  Teacher Training Starts.   Contact Peggy for details. The  Teacher Trainings will be held at  Clear Spring this  year.  Timings  1:30-5:30  Saturday and  8-1 on Sunday. 

Sept  13  10:30-12:30  A Special Class on  Yoga and Anatomy

This is the first of  a new  series  that Devon, Peggy and Anne  will take turns teaching.  It  will be held each weekend there is a teacher training. You do not have to be a member of the teacher training to participate.  It is open to the public.   It will be  at  Clear Spring.  Cost  $30.00

Sept  13-14   1-4 PM   Castle Hill  Anne’s Lessons from  Pune  Workshop.   Sign up  at

Sept  19-20      Monthly Iyengar Immersion  with  Anne and Devon    

            3:30  Teacher Practice with Devon  at Clear  Spring
            4:30  Advanced Practice with Anne at Clear Spring
            7:30   Philosophy Soup  Kitchen with Anne at Devon's House

            9:30-12:00  Asana with Devon 

Iyengar Yoga on Free Day of Yoga

If you are looking for a free Iyengar class on "Free Day of Yoga, Check out Gillian's alignment class at 9:30 at Castle Hill.
Austin Yoga and  Clear Spring are having their regular  classes.     

If you are looking for other free Iyengar classes,  contact Devon about  being  a student in the  Intro I assessments on Sept  6 and  7th.  You can get upto  4 free  30 minutes classes.   

Of course, you know  that nothing is really free. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

7:30 PM Tuesday at Austin Yoga Institute A brief community practice in Honor of BKS Iyengar

Hello  Austin  Yogis and Yoginis. 

The National Iyengar Association  (IYNAUS)  has  organized a nation wide  time  of  communal practice in honor of  BKS Iyengar. 

They  suggest  that   next Tuesday, August 26, 2014, at  7:30 central time,  as many of us as possible, inour own practice spaces or at our yoga schools and institutes, practice the
following sequence of asanas (except for Tadasana, we leave the timings to
your best judgment):

Tadasana - 3 minutes
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Utthita Trikonasana to the right and to the left
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Tadasana - 3 minutes

5 minutes seated quietly

We ask that you hold Guruji in your hearts as you do this.

If you are a teacher or a studio owner and it is possible for you to gather
students together for this communal dedication, that would be wonderful.

It  turns out that Austin Yoga Institute is  available at that  time.

Yoga  students from  all  lineages and traditions  are welcome to participate.

Look forward to seeing you there. 

Austin Yoga Institute is  located at  


4006 S. Lamar, Suite 700 (78704)

Brodie Oaks Shopping Center near Sprouts and next door to Active Life & Wellness

We need students for the Upcoming Intro I assessment.

 here's  a link with all the details

On Saturday and Sunday September 6-7, there will be a special event at Clear Spring, for which we need a lot of volunteer yoga students.  This means YOU, yogis and yoginis of Austin.
As many or most of you know, Iyengar teachers undergo a rigorous, multi-year training process before they may take an assessment for even the first level of certification as an Iyengar teacher. One of these first-level Iyengar teacher assessments is coming up at our studio.    The candidates--13 of them in this group, and two of them our own home-grown teachers--appear on the Friday before (Sept. 5), and begin the process, which lasts the rest of the weekend.  On that first day, they perform a demonstrated practice of their own asanas and pranayamas, and also take a written exam.
On Saturday and Sunday, one at a time they each teach a short (30-minute) class to show the three assessors (upper-level teachers trained to evaluate candidates in this type of setting) how they teach.  As you might imagine, the teaching segment of the exam is the most important part.
This is where YOU come in.  We need volunteers to populate these assessment classes and give those candidates someone to teach.  Here is who can help us:
1) You must have at least six months of Iyengar experience.
2) You must not have any current injuries that will influence what you do in class.  In this first level of assessment we do not expect the teachers to work with medical problems at all.
3) Women, you must not be pregnant or menstruating at the time of the assessment.  If you discover you are having your period and have signed up to be a volunteer, you must notify us and withdraw.
4) You must not be a higher-level Iyengar certified teacher.
Note: Regarding inversions, you must be able to do a basic, beginner-level shoulderstand and plough pose (salamba sarvangasana and halasana, and the latter pose using a chair for support of your feet).  You do not have to be able to do headstand at all, and headstand will not be taught in these classes.
Each candidate's class will be 30 minutes long, and you are invited to be a student for a maximum of two of these classes a day.  So it's not much time, it could be fascinating to watch the process for you, it will be a free yoga class to boot, and you will be reimbursed for your generosity in the form of our endless gratitude, plus cookies, fruit, and juice.
Here below is the schedule.  Please look it over and consult your calendar to see what you can do to help us out.  Please pick ALL the classes you are able to participate in, and let me know your schedule preferences.  Send these to me via email to devond at  I will put you on the schedule for a maximum of two sessions each day, no more.  If I do not know you, I will ask you to tell me who you are and who your Iyengar teacher is, so I know  you are okay for attending (we had a bad experience with a student who did not understand the method last time, and we will not do that again, sorry).
9:00 am                  
9:45 am                    
10:30 am                              
11:15 am            
12 pm
[Break time]              
2:00 pm                                
2:45 pm                
3:30 pm                                                    
4:15 pm                  
9:00 am          
9:45 am                  
10:30 am            
11:15 am             

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August Immersion Reading and Friday Sequence

 Here's the schedule of  Events.

3:30 Teachers Class  Devon
4:30  Advanced Practice - Anne
7:30  Philosophy Soup Kitchen- Anne  at  Devon's house.  Please let Devon know you are coming. 

9:30-12:00   Asana with  Devon

Here's the reading for  Soup Kitchen.  

Here's the Friday Sequence for the Advanced Practice of Immersion Weekend. It is based on one  that Rajlaxmi taught Friday June 13. I added the inversions in. 

Walk back  to  Uttanasana
Concave  Utt  feet wide then  full pose  hands on ankles
Padangusthasana  concave and full pose
Padahastasana Concave and full pose
Utt  feet  together,  Concave and full pose
Bend knees
Come up to Utkatasana
Bend more, hold heels    utt  keep contact  with thighs and abdomen,  Uttanasana
Tadasana  walk forward to Parsvottasana concave
Then  extend torso to the right little toe side of  front  leg,  then  down.
(I think this happened twice
Uttansana  between  sides
Prasarita  padd.  Huge amount of time in upright   position,  concave,  then down
Walk legs in to Utt
Sirsasana and  Prep
Bk/ UVK (One leg in each)   then BK leg to M1  toes straight ahead, then turned, then back to BK   same  leg    then  switch legs.
JS  turn   and fold over bent leg
Sneak to  Parivritta  JS
(Did twice. )
Virasana, Parvatasana,  Supat virasana
Ardha baddha padma  paschimo bend over bent leg,  then bend extended leg in to  come to Padmasana, Parvatasana,  Matsyasana.
Switch legs 
Ardha Badhha padma paschimo  making  clasp.     Turn toward padmasana leg. 
Paschimottasana,  Concave,  down,  concave.
Sarvangasana  cycle.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

There's Practice this Friday

Devon's  leading.   Anne will be  at  Mary and Eddy in Dallas.

Friday August 15 sequence
(hot summer days sequence)

Parsvottanasana hands on floor
Prasarita padottanasana I
Parsvottanasana classical
Prasarita padottanasana II

Chair standing poses (don’t forget Arunji!):
Parivrtta trikonasana
Parivrtta parsvakonasana
Ardha chandrasana
Parivrtta ardha chandrasana

Supta virasana
Matsyasana, as possible, in swastikasana if needed

Inversions pt.1
Amvrksasana and variations as possible
Pincha mayurasana and variations as possible
Salamba sirsasana II and I, and other variations as possible

Spinal extensions:
Chair viparita dandasana and leg/arm variations
Chair urdhva dhanurasana, including pushing up from chair to full pose
Chair kapotasana
[other backbends as desired; depends on time and sweat factors]

Wide-foot uttanasana, and parsva uttanasana

Padmasana prep:
Upavistha konasana
Parsva upavistha konasana
Baddha konasana
Janu sirsasana
Ardha baddha Padma paschimottanasana as possible
Follow sequence in intermediate course to arrive in padmasana
Lying down or sitting up, as needed

Inversions pt. 2
Salamba sarvangasana, supported or free-standing
     Variations as possible
Karna pidasana
Viparita karani
Setu bandha sarvangasana


Friday, August 8, 2014

Iyengar Yoga For Men Workshop October 4

with Yves Oberlin

October 4, 2014                             Saturday 2-4:30 pm

Yves Oberlin is an experienced yoga practitioner and instructor living and teaching in Austin, Texas. His understanding of yoga is based on over 25 years of personal practice and on-going study with some of the best senior yoga instructors in the world. He has traveled to India numerous times to further his studies with the Iyengar family at the RIMYI Institute in Pune. His background comes through in a methodical, dynamic and challenging teaching style. He inspires students to go beyond their perceived limits while remaining sensitive to individual needs and creating a safe and harmonious learning environment.  Yves grew up in Switzerland, speaks English, French and German. He is a certified Iyengar instructor.
The class will focus on areas of flexibility, balance, strength, stamina and stress reductions that are unique to men.  The class will introduce men to core yoga poses taught in the Iyengar method[1]. The class will be appropriate for the complete beginner or novice. It will also reinforce basic techniques for the more experienced practitioner.  Touching your toes is not a requirement!  Bring a friend.
Class price $40.  Payment is by cash or check at the door.

Please RSVP to Paul Hallett via email to:
yogapaul at

Class is located at:
Clear Spring Studio
605A Copeland
Austin, Texas 78704
(Located off South 1st Street, across from Texas School for the Deaf football field)

Carpooling is strongly encouraged. No parking on Copeland St.  Park on the interior of the block only, in areas bordered by red cones.  There will be someone there to direct you. Overflow parking south of the studio on Gibson St. and South 3rd St.

[1] From The Official Website of B.K.S.Iyengar Yoga in FAQs “What are the unique features of "Iyengar Yoga"?
·       Iyengar Yoga can be practiced by all.
·       The emphasis is given to precision and alignment in all postures.
·       The use of self designed props such as wooden gadgets, belts, ropes helps the practitioner to achieve perfection in all the postures.
·       The aspect of "sequencing". An "Iyengar Yoga" practitioner is aware of the sequence in which different groups of asanas have to be performed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lessons from Pune workshop at Castle Hill Sept 13 and 14

Hi All,

I'll be leading a  Lessons from Pune workshop   Saturday and Sunday   Sept 13-14  from  1-4  each day.     I don't have the price yet.   Backbend focus saturday,  forward bend and arm balance focus Sunday.

It will be at the Castle.


Anne is Back and Leading Teachers Practice and Advanced Practice this week

 Hi Guys,

The blog  is   back in  Austin  and ready to lead  practice.    I've really missed  everyone  during my  time  away and  I'm  excited to begin the long process of sharing what I learned after two months of  study at  RIMYI.  

This one is  based on a Backbend  class  Rajlaxmi  taught  June 2.  We   did lots of  Urdhva  Dhanurasana.   I  modified it  a bit   my own changes are  in bold. 

Calf mashing just  because  know you’ve missed it and I have a new variation with a slanting plank  to show.  

AMVira  wrists  down fingers up, chin down also  do  palms  facing.  And  Full LOY version and also Arun's version of it on a bolster of bliss. 
AMS  between  

Utt concave
Utt down  feet together
Bend knees  and  concave then down to  utt
Bend knees and jump back to AMS
R leg forward to parsvottasana   concave   come up to UH arms then down to  Parsvottasana  again,
Back to AMS,  repeat on second side.
Adding in  Parivritta  Trik
jump to Utt     feet together,  up to UH  back down to Utt
Sirsasana    spilt  leg  parsvaikapada prep, keep front leg  where it is and take back leg back as far as possible,  then let front  leg come forward some
Bend knees  to supta virasana legs,  then spilt and  extend legs to  parsvaikapada   repeat
AMVrk  various hand  positions
PM  all  the variations
Upright back arch
 Several,  first with hands in paschima  Badd
A few chatushs  as prep for  UD
Probably 10-12  Urdhva  Ds   (we  will add in some chair  work  here and maybe get out the tresslers and benches) 
UD  to  Dwi Pada to  UD   four or five times
Am  Swastikasana
Parsva AM Swastikasana
Parsva Swastikasana upright
AM Swastikasana again, 
 Parsva Dandasana
Paschimottasana feet  apart,  concave then pull forward
Chatush  twice then jump to   SS
bend legs then extend  a couple of  times
Heels up on mat   squat to malasana
Go forward  then  get heels and bring head down
Savasana  chest up on  mat.