Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Anne is Back and Leading Teachers Practice and Advanced Practice this week

 Hi Guys,

The blog  is   back in  Austin  and ready to lead  practice.    I've really missed  everyone  during my  time  away and  I'm  excited to begin the long process of sharing what I learned after two months of  study at  RIMYI.  

This one is  based on a Backbend  class  Rajlaxmi  taught  June 2.  We   did lots of  Urdhva  Dhanurasana.   I  modified it  a bit   my own changes are  in bold. 

Calf mashing just  because  know you’ve missed it and I have a new variation with a slanting plank  to show.  

AMVira  wrists  down fingers up, chin down also  do  palms  facing.  And  Full LOY version and also Arun's version of it on a bolster of bliss. 
AMS  between  

Utt concave
Utt down  feet together
Bend knees  and  concave then down to  utt
Bend knees and jump back to AMS
R leg forward to parsvottasana   concave   come up to UH arms then down to  Parsvottasana  again,
Back to AMS,  repeat on second side.
Adding in  Parivritta  Trik
jump to Utt     feet together,  up to UH  back down to Utt
Sirsasana    spilt  leg  parsvaikapada prep, keep front leg  where it is and take back leg back as far as possible,  then let front  leg come forward some
Bend knees  to supta virasana legs,  then spilt and  extend legs to  parsvaikapada   repeat
AMVrk  various hand  positions
PM  all  the variations
Upright back arch
 Several,  first with hands in paschima  Badd
A few chatushs  as prep for  UD
Probably 10-12  Urdhva  Ds   (we  will add in some chair  work  here and maybe get out the tresslers and benches) 
UD  to  Dwi Pada to  UD   four or five times
Am  Swastikasana
Parsva AM Swastikasana
Parsva Swastikasana upright
AM Swastikasana again, 
 Parsva Dandasana
Paschimottasana feet  apart,  concave then pull forward
Chatush  twice then jump to   SS
bend legs then extend  a couple of  times
Heels up on mat   squat to malasana
Go forward  then  get heels and bring head down
Savasana  chest up on  mat.

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