Sunday, July 18, 2010

Restorative sequence

I subbed for Peggy a couple weeks ago and she sent me this sequence. I didn't end up using it, but I taught it recently in one of my keeping cool with yoga classes. Anyway, here it is for those who are interested.


This sequence was used in the Yoga '93 Iyengar Yoga National Convention.
Yoga Restorative Sequence
to quiet the brain
wrap the head with a bandage for all poses
Pose Minutes
Duration Comments
Uttanasana 3-5 support head
Adho Mukha Svanasana 2-3 support head
Adho Mukha Vrksasana 1 1 or two times
Sirsasana 5 Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana with bent
legs for those unable to do Sirsasana
belt legs
Dwi Pada Viparita
Dandasana 5 with backbender or chair if necessary
roll under lower back
belt legs
support head
use the wall with a block to raise the feet
Kapotasana 3 not for beginners
belt upper thighs if appropriate
support head
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 5 use bench or 1 vertical or 2 horizontal
blocks under sacrum and if necessary
support under feet
belt legs
Sarvangasana 5 use chair for support
Halasana 5 legs resting on chair
must do!
Viparita Karani 5 can eliminate if time is short
Supta Virasana 5 important to include in sequence
Supta Baddha Konasana until hour
finishes important pose
belt from rear pelvic rim to feet
use bolster or blanket roll along spine and
under head

1 comment:

Yoga Teacher, tony eason said...

Hi there, just had a student ask for a restorative sequence hanks for the sequence = WILL TEACH IT TONIGHT1