Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday Advanced Practice sequence

This one is based on PW  day one, dallas  2012.  Fun times.

Just the sequence for PW  Jan 11 in advanced practice.

Patricia Walden Dallas, TX Nov. 16,
Adho Mukha Svanasana -
Paryankasana on block, hands to wall
Urdhva hastasana -
Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana
Urdhva namaskarasana
Gomukasana - take bottom arm first then top arm. (Geeta in CA convention) Compare with taking the top arm in first.
Paschima Namaskarasana
Garudasana arms in Tadasana - spread the pecs
Utkatasana - arms in utthita hastasana, spread the arms, expand the chest, outer shoulder blades in, then arms up
Garudasana legs - several times,
Parsvottanasana - full pose (hands in Paschima Namaskarasana) press the five fingers of the back heel down.
Virabhadrasana I - arms out,
Virabhadrasana III -
Did ardha uttanasana with hands on wall to charge the arms. Roll the forearms in, upper arms out as in Adho Mukha Svanasana. Shoulder blades deepen into back without dropping hands.

Utkatasana - for the pelvic belly - do not sag there when doing Virabhadrasana III.
Virabhadrasana III again
Parsvottansana, into Vira I, then Trikonasana.

Vira  I 

Parivrtta ardha chandrasana –
    AC  compare bottom arm action
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana - did in 2 parts, hold aerial bent leg foot, straighten leg holding toe, then both hands holding foot.
Supta Padangusthasana - did in 2 parts, holding big toe, then holding with both hands. Keep the outer shoulder/shoulder blade down on floor
Adho Mukha vrksasana - 1x only one on each side - alternate one leg kicking up.
Sirsasana - parsva


Parsva bhakasana - catch armpit to outer knee, bring tailbone in line with head,

Eka pada kundynasana - 1x from floor, 2x from sirsasana II, lift head first –
Ardha matsyendrasana -did in stages, keep the front shin perpendicular
hook the elbow, front hand to collar bones - lift the sternum
take the front toe, stretch the arms out
take the clasp, (forearms rolls in - upper

arm rolls out) lift the sternum as the hands pull 
down to straighten the arms. Use belt around thigh if not clasping.

Supta baddha konasana - lie flat on floor (for sacrum) with u-shaped blanket over ankles and under shins - open the chest 




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