Thursday, January 17, 2013

Practice Sequence notes

Here's what we'll work on tomorrow at  4:30.

Saturday Morning.

AMS  regular  work legs  with inner and outer calf action and inner and outer thigh action.
AMS  short stance  then lift buttocks up high, bend the knees  take ribs back to thighs in sections from  bottom to the top.  Then straighten legs.  All that work is to bring the  T sping  in.

Parvatasana in virasana

Supta vira with support thighs  belted.

Parvatasana in virasana

Paryankansana with brick and belt on occiput.


Paryankasana  full pose.  


Sirsasana,  Parsva.

AMVrk,  1 leg, other leg, both legs, work on balancing work with hands on blocks then hands up on two blocks,   “lightness will come.”


I’m not sure where we did UMS and Ustrasana  I think here though.  UMS, block between feet  drag feet forward,  block between knees  turn knees from the inside out.
UStrasana   work in the hands on  hip stage to really get rib kidney band movement you lose some of that  once hands touch. 

UMS  turn toes under knees on floor wiggle forward  to bring chest way forward.

Various  stages of  UD

1.     on chair,  really did dwi pada first, then stretched arms out to floor.
2.      Bend legs feet on floor, come up enough to push up,  come up on arm side down on leg side. Beginner version is to take hands on blocks or  higher up the wall, 
3.     two bolsters (or  bolster and two blankets,  hands on blocks at  wall).
4.     One bolster (hands at wall)
5.     Coming up from sitting in a chair hands on wall behind
6.     Ud on floor,   worked on walking  in
7.     Feet at wall keeping knees at wall on the way up. 
8.      UD  senior 1 version  keeping heels  down.

Dropping back to wall or  floor if possible and coming  up.

Kapotasana arching back,  then dropping back when chest is parallel   keys to Kapotasana,   strong legs  open front thighs, mobility in rib cage, opening in the armpits (in that I have none of these to a significant degree it is not surprising the pose  is so  hard)

We worked on this a while and watched various ways of helping mostly involving helping  keep legs forward,  holding onto ropes at wall  and pelvis at wall,   belting ankles.  Once you have the toes  ‘ just’  walk up the feet.

AMS at ropes if  back pain

Prasarita paddottanasana. 

The to parsvo  to paddottasanan to parsvo working with slow motion a couple times. 

Wide stance Utt with blanket roll (roll doesn’t feel good  to all  people) 

Sbk with support under  out hips,  bringing sacrum out 

Ardha  Halasana,





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