Thursday, December 10, 2015

Advanced Practice Backbends

Since I'm teaching Kurmasana Friday morning and  teaching   exploring the Intermediate Syllabus Kurmasana on Saturday,   I thought it would be nice to backbend Friday afternoon.

--> this is basically what we  were supposed to do, but I messed the order up with sirsasana    so I'm reposting here.

Three hands  on two bricks  AMVira to AMS
Three  hands at  wall   and rope work for Anne’s Shoulder   with Kurmasana arm work.  
Supta Virasana
EKRK2 prep
Supta Vira 

Paryankasana with brick various arm positions. 
Also work on the  Geeta  stuff that  Karen posted
 one leg Dhanurasana,
 one leg  padanghustana Dhanurasana   one  hand  then two  hands. 
Dwi Pada with a chair belt on the mid-thigh
Dwi pada with a belt wrapped around the top bar and then under the middle buttocks to lift the buttock
Dwi Pada taking a strap on back legs and walking the hands back take elbows down
Dwi Pada eka Pada
Urdhva dhanurasana
    Chair at the wall and keep the shins on the chair
Emily’s  chair twist  and  new belting back ribs for  M3
some  sarvangasana  drop over work   show  Randy’s  eka pada  approach 
Maybe a forward bend or two.
Lay with legs on the seat of the chair
Laying flat

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