here's another one PW one
here's another one PW one
December 3, 2005 ~ Morning Session
- Supta Baddha Konasana ~ with support ~ two belts if you have two if not with one belt
- Sukasana ~ Let the intelligence of the mind settle into & become one with the heart. Work with out ego, contentment ~ analogy as if the core of your being was the string and your body the kite, extending out to all points
- Dandasana ~ attention to ALL points of the knee
- Tadasana
- Baddha Hastasana
- Uttanasana ~ Hands to the outside of calf ~ move from inside out ~ resist with the knee ~ do not sleep in the back of the leg
- Padangusthasana
- Uttanasana ~ Outside in with the thigh ~ Inside out with the calf ~ resist with the knee ~ see how the hips and groins respond ~ feel stability ~ alignment in the shin and femur from these actions ~ shin/knee…in medium line of the leg
- Uttanasana ~ Feel weight in foot and distribution
- Padahastasana
- Uttanasana ~ Feet together ~ STABLE / SILENCE / ADJUST
- Vrksasana ~ Big toe / Inner heel…mind stays there ~ same with bent leg press big toe / inner heel into the thigh
- Tadasasna
- Utthita Trikonasana
- Key Balance / Stability Points
- Inner heel close to arch of front foot is the focus and center of back heel foot
- Utthita Parsvakonasana actions from first day…I missed this class!
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Bone of standing leg / Muscle of the top leg
- Turn hip to lift ?
- Know if top leg to high by mountain / valley. Know if the leg is too high there is a compactness a valley ~ experiment with this action
- Uttanasana
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I
- 1st ~
- With belt ~ Leg parallel to floor
- 2nd
- Holding outside of foot then grab inside of foot with other hand as raise leg
- Uttanasana
- Urdhva Prasarita Padasana ~ Hold ankles ~ outer upper thigh back
- Uttanasana
- Utthita Parsva Hasta Padangusthasana ~ RAJ’s homework to extend mid torso….
- Uttanasana
- Parsvottanasana ~ LIFT HEEL TO TURN THIGH ~ Take head down
- Uttanasana
- Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana @ wall
- Standing leg actions from Utthita Parsvakonasana actions from first day…missed this class!
- Do not sleep in thigh keep hips level
- Classical Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana
- Leg parallel then move side ribs down / crown of head down
- Right elbow close to left leg for stability
- Stability of left leg
- Balance hip / L&R leg
- Extend sit bone to heel right leg
- If flexible ~ tailbone in to lift front hip off thigh
- Adho Mukha Svanasana with feet at the wall ~ work ARMS!
- Supta Padangusthasana 1 & 2 **PW said we did not do these asanas as out of time**
- Vasisthasana @ wall x 3
- Anatasana instead if can not do this asana
- First time ~ Actions turning to side and lifting thigh (not top leg)
- Second time Eka Pada ~ with or without belt
- Uttanasana
- Vismamitrasana x 2 on mat and at wall with leg extended into wall
- Close space between ribs and thigh
- Head and Shoulders back
- Utthita Parsvakonasana actions from first day…??
- Inner Back Groin up
- Crawl ribs to feet
- Bhujapidasana to get similar actions
- Same actions at wall
- Baddha Konasana
- Sirsasana
- Eka Pada Sirsasana
- Sarvangasana
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana