Friday, October 11, 2013

PW sequence for practice today

Patricia in Durango 7/25/13 Day 5 Forward bends
Upavista konasana
Press palms on top thigh fingers toward toes, then take arms into urdhva baddha guliasana keeping thighs and knees soft

Prasarita padotanasana
Holding ankles, feet wide

Supta baddha konasana
Spread spinal muscles laterally, use viloma like breath from perineum to upana vayu to samana vayu to chest to bring abdomen down and spread spinal muscles horizontally

Buttocks to wall, legs slanted, feet apart, top knees back w/o taking top shin back, buttock skin to heels, release back skin

Then turn and face wall, place upper back into wall in uttanasana, thoracic away or into wall depending on what type of back you have, spread spinal muscles, hand to elbow

Then repeat walking hands back behind feet keeping length in side body, sit bones forward and armpits back, torso and thighs come closer to one another

Legs apart, soften back skin, support head on block(s) or bolster, back muscles fan out and move forward, hands forward not holding feet, let the torso rest on the thighs

In the middle of doing, stop doing and see where you are

Then hold feet, use arms, chin to move thoracic forward, see what part of the spine is not moving

Then take heels and buttocks onto blocks (same level ideally) or bolster and hold back side of blocks

Janu sirsasana
Sole of foot to thigh, bend forward over bent leg, the between legs, transition spine closer to straight leg, then classic holding foot (using block), roll thigh forward w/SI prob but pelvic head still comes forward in classic pose, sides elongate evenly as possible

Meditate on the inner space betw skin and flesh

Draw abdomen up & back sitting in dandasana inhaling in stages from perineum to samana to upana to chest (raise chin when breath gets to chest), then repeat as you go forward holding big toes, repeat in full pose, see effect on spinal muscles

Janu sirsasana
Turn the waist in marichiasana 3, then imagine each side of torso has a leg to bend over (imaginary 3rd leg), when spinal muscles spread horizontally, abdomen does as well

Repeating breath work

Triang mukekapada paschimottanasana
First not holding foot, see what part of spine is not moving
Then hold foot, elbows up and forward

Start lying on back w/knees bent
Abdomen like water settling, lift ribs, lumbar spine rests on floor
Then extend legs, up leg shin perpendicular to floor then extend it while tractioning tadasana leg

Sit on block with one leg in marichiasana and one leg in virasana, use hands pressing knee to lift side body up, then hold big toe take shin parallel to floor and take outer hip forward, then hold foot with both hands
and then take leg straight then take chin up like UPEP

Can also work w/heel at wall

Feet apart, walk hands back and bring chest to thighs

Marichiasana 1
Turn closing gap betw side waist and thigh, then bend forward w/hands then w/hands grasped behind using SPG action in straight leg, may use imaginary 3rd leg

Look from the eyes in the back of your head in all forward bends

Feet to outer mat edge, breath work in dandasana, concave stage and head down

First forward bend from upavista konasana, bend legs and twist, then take arms under thighs closing gap between side waist and thigh, turn thighs in and clamp down, feet up, take hands back and clasp

Take leg into vrkshasana, then leg up

Then roll into SPG 2 w/ blanket supporting buttock

Parivrrta Janu sirsasana
Start in dandasana, take bent knee back, turn torso to bent leg and then hold big toe, bend elbow and take to floor (or support), make clasp, look up
Look down to come up

Parivrtta upavista konasana

Upavista konasana
Forward bend

(Eka pada sirsasana could go here)

(Prasarita padotanasana and supta swastikasana for those not going on)

Hook leg on upper arm from AMS, repeat several times

Vajrasana or Virasana

Padmasana (alternative is baddha konasana w/belt behind pelvis looped under calves and crossed)

Roll onto back from padmasana, hold legs, support knees, take buttocks away from head lift public bone up, upana samana kriya


Eyes closed, hand to elbow


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