Monday, December 30, 2013

14 backbends for 2014

well,  it is that  time of  year  again.  Join us for the  5th annual  backbend practice.  We started in 2010 with  10 backbends for  2010 and have been adding a backbend per year.

I won't be there myself  due to dental implant surgery recovery time,  but  join Devon and the gang for this fun filled  sequence.


salamba sirsasana and any variations you do.
Hasta padasana to Parsva HP to vimanasana
parivrtta trikonasana
1.Virabhadrasana I

Chaturanga dandasana
2. bhujangasana
3. urdhva mukha svanasana with blocks/without 
[adho mukha svana]
4. salabhasana
5. dhanurasana
            parsva dhanurasana
[adho mukha svana]
    ardha bhekasana
6. Bhekasana
[adho mukha svana]
7. paryankasana
     parvatasana in Padma to
8. matsyasana

More BB prep work:
chair U dhanura
            feet to wall, chair stretch
            hands to wall, push up
            back to seat of chair push up to open chest
              trestler extensions
              stool-and-bolster extensions
Chair dwi pada viparita dandasana
            catching chair legs
            sirsasana hands
            head to floor, feet on floor pushing up
[open chair twists—several—for nice prep]
9. urdhva dhanurasana full pose
              Hands to wall
              feet to wall
              feet on chair for strength in shoulders
10. dwi pada viparita dandasana, knees bent or straight as possible
            elbows to wall or to blocks at wall
            toes to wall for push
            belt from hands to toes
11. rajakapotasana work on chairs and floor
            support of back leg
            sitting on floor/block/blanket, chair supports trunk
12. standing dropbacks
            partner work or wall work
13. Natarajasana at rope wall and/or with partner support
[13.alternate. kapotasana work
            on the roller
            pushing up from supta virasana
            dropping over near wall
              partner work]
14. hanumanasana
Winding down:
A m virasana
parsva a m virasana
lumbar-happy AMSvana
bharadvajasana II
pasasana on a chair, Arunji style
supported halasana


Unknown said...

Nice Sequence, Anne!

Anne-Marie Schultz said...

Thanks, Pauline. Devon's creation.