Wednesday, December 11, 2013

LOY sequence week 95

So,  I thought in  honor of  BKS Iyengar’s  95th birthday, we would do the sequence from  LOY from  week  95.  It is right at the start of  course three where he notes,  “this course is mainly for those who like to preserver futher and who have sufficient devotion for the Science.”

Some of these poses  I personally am no where near,  but I’ll have fun watching the more flexible ones and doing what I can,  and  it definitely has some arm balances in it which we are in agreement that we want to do more regularly.  

Actually, this is  week  95-100  so this sequence will take us through celebration of  his 100th! 

Some  warm up  stuff,    (AM  Sukasana, parva  etc    rope  work  etc)

Sirsasana  and cycle  (184-218)
Sarvangasana and cycle (234-271 except 267)
Supta padangushtasana  (285-287)
Paschimottanasana (160)
Kurmasana and supta Kurmasana (363, 364 and  368)
Yoganidrasana (391)
Ekapada sirsasana (371)
Bhairavasana (375)
Skandasana (372)
Chakorasana (379-380)
Pincha Mayurasana (357)
Sayansana (358)
Mayurasana (354)
Hamasanasana (356)
Bhujapidasana (348)
Bakasana (406)
AM Vrk ( 359)  we’ll work on all the hand positions
Vasistasana (398)
Visvamitrasana (403)
Chair  Dwi pada work
Urdhva  D  (487)  for  8 times  stretching the legs and arms out straight after each time to relieve stiffness in the back
Dwipada  Viparita Dandasana (516)  for  a  minute
Kapotasana (507)
Ardha Matsyendrasana I and II)  (311-312 and  330-331) 
Pasasana (328 and 329)
Uttansana (48)
Savasana (592)

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