Friday, May 8, 2015

It is Friday, why not backbend?

Anne is  leading advanced practice  today.  

Backbends     via  lots of  groin  work.

Backbends via  groin work. 
Eka pada supta vira   Kapotasana  prep… 

LOY  virasana  cycle

AMS  Utt  to Malasana


Malasana  add in. 

Some padmasana work. 


Paryankasana with block, on elbows to head, on head urdhva d arms for more lift and spread, full pose with support for elbows if don’t reach.

Two brick Paryankasana

AMS classic.

Gomukasana  different arm  approaches.   Arms only

And full pose

AMVrk   Palms out and forward



Ardha Sirsasana, working with head off the floor,  eka  pada

Sirsasana, Parsva

Dwi pada, on chair with blanket and block for shoulders horizontal and vertical, then with vertical block for tailbone, then t shaped two blocks for shoulders and tailbone.

Junior  I  dwi Pada

Junior  2  dwi pada 

UD on chair    legs and hands on floor bring weight into feet. Two or three times.
UD over back of chair with blankets or bolsters, arms in Paryankasana and then hands to chair or legs of chair. Second time move to kapotasana part of back.

Urdhva  D off  two bolsters.    

 Urdhva  D 

Dwi Pada

Sarvanghasana dropping to floor. 

Sarvagasana cycle 

Ardha  jathara  parivartansana   M3  M1   Paschimo


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bài pốt của tác giả rất hữu ích, thanks anh đã share.
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